Download FREE Video Avatar 4.0
Video Avatar is a video tool for creating animated GIF avatars, signatures and userpics. By using Video Avatar you can create original video avatars for your websites, journals, you can also set userpic in your profile page for any communities, forums, your blog, etc.
This tool supports all the video formats for inputing: avi, asf, mp4, mpg, mov, wmv, mpeg. Output file will be controlled with height, width, Frames Per Second and reverse mode. Finally, after converting you will got an animated GIF with pixelsize that is set.
Features of Video Avatar: 1). Imports various video files. 2). Crops video for creating GIF. 3). Width, height, FPS settings for GIF. 4). Plays GIF in a normal and reverse modes. 5). Customizable dimensions for GIF. 6). Time line with ZOOM feature. 7). Supports English, Spanish and Russian languages. 8). Easy to use interface
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