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Important Questions and Answers You’ll Need before Buying Surveillance Cameras

Posted In Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 With No Comments »

There are some important reasons today inspiring consumers to purchase and install hidden surveillance devices. Businesses use the devices to monitor their employees’ use of work time or resources. Mothers and fathers use hidden cameras to monitor the care that their children receive from caregivers. Some agencies will monitor the care of elderly individuals. Store owners used surveillance to detract would-be thieves from walking off with inventory. In today’s society, there is plenty of incentive for those cameras. So how can you tell which hidden video cameras for sale are the right ones for your situation? One thing you can do is to ask, and answer, the right questions.

Ask About the Camera Specifications

camera_survSome of the questions to ask yourself about the camera include:

  • Which image quality will you need? Will you need to identify a person with your recording?
  • Do you want black and white or color video?
  • Are you looking for a camera with audio recording abilities? Keep in mind that audio recordings are governed by tighter laws than those pertaining to video recording.
  • Do you want a camera equipped with motion detection? Maybe you will choose a camera that records at all times or you just want one which you will switch on and off.
  • Will you be okay with a wired camera or do you prefer wireless? Most of the time, customers prefer wireless for their hidden devices.

The more that you compare the different cameras on the market, the more questions you can develop. Every time you add a bit of information as you search, you’ll be able to create a clearer picture of which camera will be best for you.

Determine Where You Will Be Installing the Camera

There are some pertinent questions that will help you to pinpoint where you should put your hidden cameras as well as which camera will work best:

  • How far does the camera transmit? Your choices will usually range from 1,000 square feet to 2,500.
  • What type of focus does the lens have?
  • What is the viewing angle of the camera? The answer here might either affect or be affected by the number of cameras that you intend to install.
  • How easy will it be “hide” the camera from view? An alarm clock camera might be sitting in plain sight, but won’t quickly be recognized as a camera. Other devices may need a little more creativity.
  • Will you be installing the camera outside? Not all hidden recording devices are weather-proof, so know before you buy.

With the answers to these questions, you’ll know whether a camera hidden inside a smoke detector will provide you with surveillance that you need or if you’ll need several different cameras pointed at critical locations instead.

Choose Your Source of Hidden Recording Devices

Finally, you will want to choose your source of surveillance equipment. There are many reputable Internet sites and physical locations where you can make a purchase which leaves you satisfied. Be cautious of any companies without a positive history and those without representatives who can fully answer all of your questions. You want to know that after your purchase you will be able to get any customer assistance that you may need or that you can get replacement parts when necessary.

This is a guest post by Laura Russell, a guest writer from It is a site that offers home security solutions with their highly trusted hidden video cameras for sale. They also offer GPS tracking, hidden cameras and PC monitoring assistance.

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