Student get bonus 3 Gb for SkyDrive account
SkyDrive is the online storage where you can store your files and access them from virtually any device.
>> Read more about: SkyDrive (trips & tricks)
How to get 3Gb bonus for SkyDrive account?
Step 1: You must have .EDU email; if not, do as the tips below:
Tip: You can have an email address. Edu address using “ROB2212302 +”. Replace “xxx” with the name you want. For example: + ROB2212302
Use email address above to subscribe in step 2. Then visit Yopmail > fill “esoftblog” in the “Type the name of CHOICE Email”> click “Check Inbox” to check the mail box. And wait for the email!
Step 2: Access the Giveaway page:
Step 3: Enter your .edu email address at the blank and click Get It Now button. Then check your email to get the storage code.
Have a nice day!