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Blunders You Should Kick off in Landing Page Generation

Posted In Technology Reviews, Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Monday, July 8th, 2013 With No Comments »

Landing Page functions as a silent salesperson appointed with the responsibilities and duties of appealing visitors by showing and promoting your offerings and convincing them to be your regular customers. A successful salesman has proper knowhow about giving painless, informative and soothing buying experience to the customers with achieving the main goal of making sales. The same thing is done by the sales (or landing) page. Like every efficient salesman who avoids mistakes that can make negative impact on customers, landing page should also be generated to do the same.

Mistakes on Creating Landing Page

In this post, we will introduce you with some little but serious mistakes you should strictly avoid like an effective landing page generator.

Blunders You Should Kick off in Landing Page Generation

  1. Ambiguous or Unclear Call to Action: Convincing visitors to become customers is the sole purpose of landing page generation. The element of “Call to Action” in your landing page could be anything, say a link, a button or an image, that must be conspicuous and clear.

If any visitor lands on your page, it means they may be looking for something relating to your business. By obscuring call to action in your page, you are actually making a stumbling block for the visitors on their way to buy anything from you. Rather than doing it, make the process simple as possible by adding straightforward information as what you want them to do.

  1. Presenting irrelevant information: According to the studies, website visitors make decision on continue reading or leaving away from the webpage within just 20 seconds.

These 20 seconds can judge your landing page is effective or not by bounce rate. So, don’t add only relevant information so that the visitors won’t get irritated or confused.

If landing page has concise, clear and relevant information, your visitors will easily find the products and their added benefits from your website. 

  1. Poor Wording of Headline: Heading is the first line on which attention of the reader goes first. The words in the headline determine if reader will read the entire article or not. Visitors will bounce away if they don’t understand what’s being said in it. Effectiveness of your landing page very much depends upon the headline.
  1. Breaking the Promise: There is no more fatal mistake in marketing than adding different phrase on your marketing mail or link than your landing page. For instance, you have approached customers by mentioning about the product which saves 30% power in your marketing mail. When they actually land on your page, they find you are offering something other. So, make sure the content of your landing page is telling exactly what you have promised in marketing mails or advertisement. 
  1. Lack of information about your product: This is quite opposite of what we have discussed in Point # 2.

If your readers will remain unable to find proper information about what you are selling, they won’t be prepared for taking the risk on investing their hard-earned cash on buying anything they don’t have enough knowledge about.

Author Bio

Lucy Collins is a writer and editor. She has written a number of articles, which have been approved in some of the highly popular blogs. She likes to share her landing page generator ideas  by using various efficient methods of social media like Twitter and many more.

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