Create “Like Gateway” Woobox to get more facebook LIKE
In this article I will show you 3 ways to get more LIKE for your Facebook Fan.
You can use the “LIKE” as a “gateway” will hide your original content from the public. Readers who wish to access the full content available on the Facebook page to “Like” the page first. This is the easiest way to earn much more “LIKEs”
Here is the steps to create FREE LIKE “Gateway” with Woobox
Step 1: Access and hit “GET START FOR FREE” button to sign in with your Facebook account, then allow Woobox manages your pages by hit “Okay” button.
Step 2: Find and select HTML Fangates
Step 3: Click Add a new HTML Fangate Tab to access the Editor page. At here you can create your own content “Page source”. “Page Source” is what your fans will see. Once they “Like” your page content that you have set the ‘Page Source’ will appear.
Setting “Non-Fan Page Source”, which will run as a LIKE “gateway”. Choose type as the source page has set! Click Save setting button when finish
Step 4: Click View Facebook Tab
Then click View as Non-Fan
And the results: