Five Tips That Will Help You Create Better Content
Before you even start to consider your next social media strategy or search engine optimization tactic, you have to create great-quality content. Content is the foundation of every web-site, may it be blog, shopping, gallery and so on. As important as inspiration is, there are other things you should consider when you start writing an article.
Research, writing style, sources, fonts, formatting and other small tricks can significantly increase the chances that your page impacts the average visitor. Today I will talk about five content creation technique which will not only attract more readers, but will also improve your SEO score and protect you from Google’s dreaded Penguin algorithm. I will not even talk about effective keywords, because everybody knows that the good choice of keywords can make or break a campaign.
I am a big fan of special fonts. I really appreciate bloggers who use different colors, sizes and fonts within the same article. It denotes a care that the creator has give to the content. Moreover, it makes everything easier to read, and in the end readability is an essential factor. Heading tags (eg. <H1>,<H2>) will not only help you break down your text in more sizable pieces, but they will also help your content be easier indexed by the search engine. Google’s crawlers like heading tags, and internet users prefer content that is delivered in a scannable content.
It goes without saying that duplicate content is not accepted by Google, but this is not the type of content that I have in mind when i say unique. Every successful blogger I have ever read, has a special something that keeps people coming back from more. May it be sarcasm, humor, expertise or amazing content. If people were only interested in getting a certain information they would look it up on a site like Wikipedia, but what internet users are looking for is a chance to meet other like-minded people, and become part of something, anything. For some, certain articles offer the feeling that they are looking for.
A picture is a thousand words. Most of the times it is the thing that determines a web user to access your page, so make sure it matters. If you are writing on tech related subjects, or if you are trying to explain difficult concepts to people, you can make use of content visualizations. Info-graphics are also a great way of attracting more readers, because they offer an alternative to regular articles. Sure, they may be a bit difficult to create, but they are excellent link-building strategies. It is said that a mind-map or diagram can significantly improve the chances of the audience understanding a difficult concept.
There is rumor online of an exciting development in the world of SEO. According to many specialists, the term of social SEO has become more and more used. It basically means that regular search engine optimization techniques have blended with social media strategies in order to provide with a better answer for people’s queries. In other words, if you want to successfully grow your page you will not only require basic knowledge on SEO, but also social media outreach. An ideal way of promoting content on social mediums would be with the help of Google+ and Google Authorship.
What Google Authorship does, is attribute a small avatar, to every piece you have ever written (as long as you do the necessary settings) next to the result on the search engine. What it really does, is index all content related to you according to your social media outreach. In other words, if you are a prolific writer, and your keywords match the keywords imputed by an internet user, your article will appear higher than other results on SERPs. This will become a useful tool in the future.
Do you know what it is that your target audience likes to read about? Do you REALLY know what it is that they are interested in, or are you just writing articles for the sake of writing? There is a reason why certain sites have a million visitors a day, and others only a few hundreds, and believe me it is not SEO. People who come back to a site in such huge numbers are definitely attracted by something, and you can make sure that it is great content.
All in all, content creation should be done wisely. In the end, quality is more important than quantity. If you do not feel inspired to write, take a break, and write another day. Make sure that your posts are epic.
Author Bio:
Anna Robeson has always been passionate about writing, but it is only in the past two years that she has managed to put her passion to good use with the help of She spends most of her time scouring the internet for the latest news, and tips regarding SEO, social media and blogging. If you liked her article you can follow her on Google+.