Is Blackberry Done?
As technology shifts and changes it’s a common occurrence that what was once a must have gadget, can now easily become disposable overnight! Is this what’s happening to Blackberry? Business savvy blackberry users are now switching to either Android or Apple iPhones for all their smart phone needs and with only a mere 16% user satisfaction, Blackberry doesn’t stand a chance with these newer, faster and just downright better smart phones! You can literally do anything on these new phones and with ever changing technology; Blackberry doesn’t seem to hold much water anymore.
This is probably some deviating news for share holders and even more so is the 25% drop in stocks, Blackberry is still plummeting and the future might be bleak for blackberry as new technology hits the scene. Basically if you’re a stock holder in blackberry you might want to pull out! At only $9 per stock only up from $6.22 and headed down, finically speaking if you stay you’ll lose what little you’ve acquired!
So what’s in store for the future of blackberry? Possible liquidation seems to be the rumor. As new technologies continue to impress consumers, blackberry is most likely done; they simply don’t have the technology to keep up with Apple and Android. Where once they held a 50% command over units sold it’s now a low 0.07% a far cry from the past!
One thing is for sure the Blackberry phone won’t be taking us by storm anytime soon. However blackberry will continue to provide Q10 and Z10 iOS systems which hold great promise. As long as they continue to focus on what they are good at and leave the idea of smart phones behind they should be able to sustain the market for business solutions.
Author Bio:
Sarah Shade is a top researcher for an AtlantaiPad repair company, she researches the latest news on technology, gadgets, apps and anything mobile related.