7 Really Great Mobile Marketing Apps
If you’re like me you’ve become obsessed with using mobile apps for everything, and for some hobbies, I have found it great. One of these is marketing. While some of these apps are not directly made to be used with marketing, they can be used to save ideas, save documents and schedule events with ease.
Evernote has the great advantage of being an app that can be used on desktop and on mobile. Downloading it on mobile and using it on the desktop might be odd, as your notes will not be saved, but when used, they sync up together, so you have your notes on both devices. From this feature, you will be able to take down your notes and ideas that come to you at the most obscure times. Whether it be when you’re about to go to bed, or when you’re in the shower (although it is suggested you get out first), you can note down your ideas on Evernote and come back to them when you have the time.
Working in a team, we usually find it hard to share files between u, but one of the best ways we have found to combat this is the Dropbox application for smartphone and desktop. You simply create a folder on your computer hard drive and you can use your phone or computer to access the Dropbox at any time, so working with a team has never been easier. Forget finding a way to send over that chunky document over e-mail and just drop it in your Dropbox instead. The mobile app also allows you to find it through your smartphone so you can show people while on the go.
Another great app for working in teams is the Trello app. This app allows you to create a to-do list on your mobile or your desktop as well as see the to-do lists of the rest of your team. From this, you can see what still needs to be done throughout the day on your mobile or your computer. This is one of the handiest apps for working in a team as it keeps the information centralized and you can see exactly what the rest of your team may see.
With social media and marketing becoming more prominent, marketers are beginning to start working around the clock by managing the social networks that they need to manage. This is where Hootsuite comes in, as it allows you to manage multiple social media accounts as well as track tweets and statuses, as well as schedule updates to each of your social media accounts. This is an incredibly handy tool for any marketer to have in their arsenal.
A picture is worth a thousand words and with the introduction of Instagram and its popularity; marketers are beginning to see the value in using it. One of the biggest problems with Instagram though is that it does not offer an inbuilt reporting system. This is where Statigram for mobile or desktop can come in handy. For any marketer, the statistics on each post are incredibly important, and Statigram can handle that. It allows you to track any photo that you put up on Instagram with all the needed statistics to make sure what you are doing is working, or find out if it isn’t.
One of the biggest issues I’ve had with working with Google Documents is that accessing them with mobile can always be a hassle. GoDocs solved that hassle for me, and while not being an official Google release, has solved an issue that has always been a big one for me. It allows you to edit any of your Google document on your mobile including spreadsheets and keep them up to date even when you’re out of the office.
One of the most important things about leads is the ability to track them. With iLeads you can do that on your phone as well as capture them. I cannot tell you how many I would have lost without the use of iLeads.
Mobile app companies are making significant strides in apps that can significantly increase your output, especially if you are working with a team in your job. While not all are specifically for marketing, they can have a significant result on the productivity of even your average, everyday marketing and sales agent.
Author Bio:
My name is Jeremy Henderson. I am an avid gamer, who also loves writing. I mainly like writing about the topics that are a passion of my mine.