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How to Repair Corrupt Exchange Public and Private Store Databases?

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 With No Comments »

The entire data of your MS Outlook profile is stored in MS Exchange Server database (.edb file) that contains slew of other mailboxes. Based on the amount of data (emails, contacts, calendar, and notes) stored in your Outlook profile, the size of the Exchange server database varies. These .edb files store data corresponding to what is stored in Outlook mailbox (e.g. emails, contacts, calendar, and notes) in a .PST file. On Exchange Server, each .edb has its corresponding .stm file.

During installation of MS Exchange Server in default mode, Storage Groups containing a Mailbox Store and a Public Folder Store is created, where every Mailbox store contains two files in its database:


Pri1.edb file contains emails along with their corresponding attachments and the headers associated to each email message. Priv.edb file is also termed as rich-text database file. Every .edb file has its corresponding .stm file (as discussed above) that contains multimedia data transformed to its corresponding MIME data.


Pub1.edb file is also termed as rich-text database file, since it contains emails along with their corresponding attachments and the headers associated to each file stored in the Public Folder tree. Moreover, the .stm files corresponding to these .edb files contain multimedia data transformed to its corresponding MIME data.

The .edb files stored on MS Exchange Server act like a warehouse that stores all sent/received email messages and the associated information. These .edb files are prone to corruption due to virus/malware infections, forced or inappropriate shutdown, and power fluctuations. Besides, corruption of these files leads to errors in JET engine. Therefore, the security of these .edb files is a vital aspect. However, if you face corruption issues with Priv1.edb file, then track the following steps for manual edb recovery:

Step 1: At the very first step, you need to run the Information store service and make sure you note down the errors you come across (if any).

Step 2: Stop the Information store service, go to the bin folder, and run the following command:

C:exchsrvrbin>eseutil /mh..mdbdatapriv1.edb

Step 3: Now, check the status of these files, and if you see any file as inconsistent, you need to go for soft recovery. For this, go to the folder where these files are located and run the following command at the command prompt:

C:Program FilesexchsrvrMDBDATA>”C:Program FilesexchsrvrBINeseutil” /r E00

Step 4: After this, again you need to check the consistency of the private as well as public Information store. If you find them as consistent, then you can pass over the next step.

Step 5: However, if either of them is still inconsistent, then run its respective command:

C:Program FilesexchsrvrMDBDATA>”C:Program FilesexchsrvrBINeseutil” /p priv1.edb

C:Program FilesexchsrvrMDBDATA>”C:Program FilesexchsrvrBINeseutil” /p pub1.edb

Step 6: Now, you need to delete the log files created and stored in mdbdata folder along with the Temp.edb file and .chk file.

Step 7: After that, try mounting the database files, and then dismount them immediately.

Step 8: Stop the Information store service and run the following command to defragment the private and public store databases:

For Private Store Database

C:Program FilesexchsrvrBIN>eseutil /d


For Public Store Database

C:Program FilesexchsrvrBIN>eseutil /d

C:Program FilesexchsrvrMDBDATApub1.edb

Step 9: Now, to check the consistency of these database files, run the Isinteg.exe utility

                C:Program FilesexchsrvrBIN>isinteg -s (servername) -fix -test alltests

Step 10: Restart the Information store service

After finishing the above-discussed procedural steps to repair priv1.edb and pub1.edb files, if the corruption issues persist, you need to use professional Exchange database recovery software in order to get them fixed efficiently.

Author Bio:

Amanda Lakai has been writing as a freelancer blogger since last three years. She is passionate to explore about the various Email recovery tips & tricks such as Exchange recovery, Outlook recovery , Lotus Notes recovery and various Email converter tools too. She loves to share her findings with the readers so that they can enhance their knowledge-base and also use them in their daily life if required. 

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