Moving With The Times: How Technology Changed The World
The technological advancement of the world has grown massively in the past few years mainly due to the Internet growing exponentially. Communication has become easier and easier so the boffins of the world can connect and create incredible inventions.
Head in the cloud
Now everything has gone online, businesses have gone paperless, the next generation of people will not know how to do things that people over the age of 18 did as kids. For example, the next generation will, most likely, not know what postcards are, how to read a map, what portable cassette or CD players are, how to write letters, how to conduct research at the library, using disposable camera, using a filing cabinet or even sending your film off to be printed.
Things like iPods, Netbooks, smartphones and flash drives that can store hundreds of gigabytes on will become the norm for today’s generation. In 20 years time, people will probably be saying “oh wow, you have an iPod, that’s really cute.”, due to the pace in which technology and the online world is progressing.
Just think, Facebook started in 2004 and now has 1.11 billion users and that, in the year 2000, only three per cent of the US adult population had access to a broadband connection at home.
Technology has basically come about to aid humanity. However in some areas of the sector technology is taking over from human processes. It has turned technology into a thing that does things for us so sometimes it can make us lazier, which isn’t so good.
However, technology has given such services as the police a huge advantage with such things as GPS and tracking/recording devices on phones and cars. Although this has given the general public a distraction while driving which has caused many accidents such as being distracted while driving on the GPS, music player, phone, as well as the traditional car accident causes like drink driving and falling asleep at the wheel. As well as this, society has become less patient, it is more of a ‘we want it now’ attitude.
The impatience is something that is a bi-product of the fast paced industry and the social revolution that has come in the past 10 years. Social networking has always been a big part of the Internet however, over the past few years it has really broke the barrier between new media and traditional media. Now you see Twitter hashtags and accounts on bottles of pop, Facebook links on the side of billboards and YouTube accounts advertised on Radio, one of the oldest forms of media. Billions of people converse on social media everyday, it has become a part of everyday life.
All in all I doubt when Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet he wouldn’t have thought it would get this big with as much technology using it each day. As well as technology taking off so much in the past 20 years that really, it has changed the way we live. Simply astonishing.
Author Bio:
This post was written by Adam Stevens from Midshire Business Systems, Adam loves the Internet and technology in general while Midshire Business Systems is an award-winning, independent supplier of photocopiers, software and IT solutions in general.