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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

5 Best Android Anti-Virus 2013 – Available For Free Download

Posted In Android, Mobile, Smartphone reviews - By Techtiplib on Monday, October 21st, 2013 With No Comments »

Android as we all know is one of the most widely used mobile operating system and the recent version announced is based on Nestle Company’s famous chocolate called as Kitkat. With the increase in the usage of Android, a mobile operating system there is also an increasing need to install an efficient and strong anti-virus system for your android based mobile system.

Android securityThese anti-viruses will help your android operating system stay clean and functional. They also provide several extra features other than just cleaning up the viruses of which some are, but are not limited to, cleaning your junk temporary files that are left by the uninstalled apps or sometimes the inactive apps, they also provide you with the feature of boosting your phone by closing the unnecessary background apps that are running without your concern. They close this app and clear the space for you, this space is essential to run other apps smoothly.

Here is detailed explanation of some of the best anti-virus software for your favorite android based mobile system:

1. AVG: antivirus software:

– The AVG antivirus software is a very good piece of antivirus software and helps combat malware and deadly viruses that might hamper your mobile operating system.

– One of the best features include lost and theft phone detection. This feature helps you to track your mobile from a remote location if gets lost or any kind of theft takes place.

2. Avast Antivirus for Android

– The Avast Antivirus for Android is also one of the most used and downloaded antivirus app by the Android users. The numbers have reached in millions and it is increasing with each passing day.

– This anti virus app is very efficient and protects your mobile or smart phone from all kinds of threats such as malware, viruses and spyware.

– You can also wipe all the data from a remote location and also lock your phone in case of theft.

3. Lookout Security and Antivirus

– This anti virus app is developed by the Lookout Mobile Security and it is the same software company that has developed three different security apps for Google play store and is quite popular.

– The name given to two other security apps is called as Zapper Task Killer and Plan B.

4. Norton Security Antivirus

– The Norton Security Antivirus is also one of the best antivirus applications developed so far and there are millions and millions of downloads that have been done for this app.

– This anti virus app is created and developed by the Symantec software company.

– The average rating given to this antivirus is 4.5 out of 5 and considered as a very good rating.

– The basic version of this antivirus app is free of cost but the premium version of this antivirus app costs around $29.99.

5. NQ Mobile Security and Antivirus

– The NQ Mobile Security and Antivirus app are developed by the NQ Mobile Security.

– The best thing about this antivirus app is that it provides complete protection from Trojans and phone hacking also.

– The overall user interface of this app is great and excellent.

– The Score that has been given to this app is also 4.5 out of 5 and is considered as very good score.

– These all antivirus apps are very good and easy to install and use. Though there are several other popular antivirus apps that are available such as McAfee antivirus and WebRoot security and antivirus but the above said apps are the top 5 mobile security apps that are available right now and the user base is increasing with each passing day.

Author Bio:

Sonika has been working on various marketing related assignments. She has immense know about SEO and other form of online marketing campaigns. She has written informative and high quality articles for

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