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Grand Theft Auto V (PS3 and Xbox 360)

Posted In Game reviews, Products Review - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 With No Comments »

After spending the last versions of the game in the city of New York, Rock star now takes us all Los Angeles which was last seen in GTA San Andreas. This not only brings out parodies on class separation, creed and celebrity worship but also makes for the largest platform provided by a sandbox game. It not only explores the urban areas like Santa Monica Pier, Chinese Theater and Getty but also covers the surrounding rural areas, which gives a realistic feel to the game. 

Gamers currently ought to expect additional challenge and unwavering expertise with this grand theft auto V game that is basically breathless and refreshing in the least times once its launched and created offered within the marketplace for players to induce a true bit of it.

1. Three Amigos and One Big City: 

The havoc in the game is wreaked by three protagonists, unlike one man army in the previous versions. The characters include Michael, who is a retired bank robber caught in misery of life. Franklin, a young boy with dreams of being a big businessman and Trevor, who is a crazy and unpredictable character to add that spice to the story. All the characters have the special ability and emotions related to them which gives a natural and real life feel to the game. 

2. The Human Element:

The game has amazing human like graphics with awesome and authentic sounding dialogues. The three characters come from different backgrounds with different cultures with equal authenticity. Voice acting in the game has been carefully designed as it could be the make or break component of the game. Rockstar’s team has done an excellent job in this field and has nailed the task. 

3. Violence and Satire: 

In previous versions of the game, shooting someone in the head may have been shocking, but it was not taken seriously due to the cartoon feel to it. But GTA V comes with full HD graphics, top notch animations and better sound quality which makes the scenes of torture and murder much more realistic and grizzly. Some of you may say the game is all about violence and killing, but in the new GTA the violence factor is tied with satire which shows the real face of society and corrupt elements like capitalism and creed. The game also has an element of fun related with each mission which makes it suitable for all age groups.

4. Gameplay:

The game has all the moments of running from cops, hijacking planes, driving off roads and getting caught in unfortunate accidents. But this time the fun and excitement is multiplied with better control and graphics. You can switch between the three characters and can play them all at the same time. The other major change is in the mission part, where you can repeat the missions as many times as you want unlike the previous parts. The gameplay is smooth and you surely will enjoy the breathtaking thrill and excitement. 

The real fun of the game lies in discovering new ways to complete the mission which is made possible through detailed graphics and well planned gameplay. Grand Theft Auto V is an amazing game with monumental technology which will take you through all the human emotions and harsh realities of life.

Author bio:

Julie Fernandez is a passionate blogger from London. As she is fascinated about the ongoing craziness on games, she loves to write article on it. As off now she is doing research on PlayStations. She suggests everyone to take help of the psn contact number to feel the difference.

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