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Useful Tips For Mobile SEO

Posted In Products Review, Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 With No Comments »

Contrary to popular belief there is a difference between search engine SEO and mobile SEO. In today’s world mobile SEO is becoming increasingly important with so many people accessing the Internet through their smartphone or tablet. Here are some tips for mobile SEO use.

User Agents

These days, most websites have a desktop friendly version and a mobile friendly version. In some cases, mobile users can only access the mobile version of a website on their device and other times they can choose whether they want to view the mobile website or the full website. Web developers can use their browser’s tool bar to allow bots to the access the website, which allows for mobile SEO. There is a user agent called “Googlebot –Mobile that web developers can use to make sure their mobile site still shows up in search engine results. When they do not show up in search engine results this can lead to a website losing traffic.

Link Building

Link building is important for any website. However, many website owners do not want to have to build links for both the mobile version and regular version of their website. This can be avoided by using the same URL for both the desktop site and the mobile site. The user agent then redirects the person trying to view a website to the desktop site if they are on their computer or the mobile site if they are on a tablet or Smartphone. This is the best way to guarantee that the links a website owner builds are beneficial to both versions of their site.

Site Indexing

Site indexing is a very important part of mobile SEO. This means that Google needs to be able to detect a website’s mobile version. Website owners should attempt to access their site by performing a Google search on their mobile device’s browser. They should also be keeping a close eye on their data from Google Analytics to determine if traffic is being driven to their mobile site. In the event Google is not picking up the mobile version of a website, website owners are encouraged to use their Google webmaster tools to submit their sitemap to Google.


A website without a sitemap is not going to be convenient for mobile users. Every website should have an XML sitemap and that sitemap should be submitted not only to Google, but also to Bing and any other search engines the website owner wants their site to appear in.

Using Appropriate Descriptions

Every website has a Meta description, which is a sentence that states what a particular website is about. For mobile SEO purposes the Meta description and the tags, which are the keywords used to describe the website, should be kept short. For Meta descriptions, the maximum number of characters should be used is 90 and the tags should be no longer than 40 to 60 characters.

Following these tips will help website owners with mobile SEO efforts.

Author Bio:

Simon Brisk is the head of manual outreach at Click Intelligence a search marketing agency based in London, Bristol and Cheltenham. Simon writes about mobile SEO tips, step by step guides and his experience in the field of online marketing.

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