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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

[Freeware] Download LibreOffice Productivity Suite 4.1.3

Posted In Office tools - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 With No Comments »

If LibreOffice appears at all familiar, it should come as no surprise that the suite has roots in OpenOffice. In fact it is a community lead branch of the same office suite that has been developed by The Document Foundation. You may well wonder why there is a need for different branches of the same office suite – the main reason is that it enables broader changes and additions to be made to the suite

As things stand at the moment, the LibreOffice Productivity Suite is not very different to OpenOffice. The main focus of the early releases of the suite are tidying up and optimizing existing code before switching to adding new features and options.

Existing users of OpenOffice will feel immediately at home, as all of the familiar components of the suite can be found here in LibreOffice. The suite comprises a word processor, spreadsheet, drawing tool, database and numerous other components. Files can be saved in the suite’s own native format, or in formats that are compatible with the likes of Microsoft Office.

As an Office suite is almost essential for most computer users, coupled with the fact that commercial suites tend to be somewhat expensive, there is nothing to be lost in trying out a free alternative. LibreOffice, just like its stable mate OpenOffice, is a very competent tool which could easily cater for your home office or business needs.

LibreOffice Productivity Suite 4.1.3 screenshot

Download FREE LibreOffice Productivity Suite 4.1.3

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