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Godaddy Black Friday Sales: Only $1.99/ month of Hosting

Posted In Domain - Hosting - By Techtiplib on Thursday, November 28th, 2013 With No Comments »

What do you expect from this Black Friday Sales of Godaddy? I think this discount they will give you not many choices but it is worth considering and selecting of Web Hosting and Domain!

Here are the details:

35% off New Products from GoDaddy for each US offer!

Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, transfers, bulk pricing, premium domains, premium templates, Search Engine Visibility advertising budget, gift cards or Sunrise/Landrush registration or pre-registration fees. Offer good towards new product purchases only and cannot be used on product renewals. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, sale, discount or promotion. After the initial purchase term, discounted products will renew at the then current renewal list price.

35 off godaddy for US offer

>> Get the deal here: Godaddy US offer

– $1.99 .Com at!

Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 per domain name per year. $1.99 price for the first year of one new or transfer .COM per customer. Additional years or .COMs may be purchased for$9.99* per year. Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Customers may not use gift cards, In-Store Credit, CCAvenue, Skrill, PayPal® or AliPay to redeem this offer. Your discount will be applied in your shopping cart. After the initial purchase term, discounted products will renew at the then-current renewal list price. Go Daddy reserves the right to deny use of this offer and/or cancel domains purchased using this offer if the offer is abused or used fraudulently, as determined by Go Daddy in its sole discretion.

1.99 hosting black friday 2013

>> Get the deal here: $1.99 .Com

– $1.99/Mo. for 12 months of Economy Hosting at

Get 12 months of shared economy hosting for $1.99/month, after which price increases to regular list price. Offer available for new hosting plans only (not renewals). Your discount will appear in your cart.

1.99 month hosting at godaddy

>> Get the deal here: $1.99/Mo. for 12 months

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