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Five Ways for Small Businesses to Secure their WordPress Website

Posted In Technology Reviews, Webmaster, Wordpress tips - By Techtiplib on Friday, December 27th, 2013 With No Comments »

WordPress is a cheap, convenient, and reliable way to publish your blog or website. With WordPress being such a well-known avenue, you would think that it is secure from viruses and hackers. However, WordPress, as with any other online publisher, is vulnerable to hackers and attacks. By using the below methods, you are sure to increase your level of security.

4 WordPress design tips you'll love to follow

Back-up your files. While it seems like the internet is invincible, and that your information is always around, it isn’t. If a hacker or virus gets into your blog or site, it can wipe it clean of information, in addition to stealing your own information. By using a backup, you are helping secure your site and personal information and formatting. You can choose to use Dropbox, WordPress Backup (it emails information to you), Vaultpress (you can schedule when you want information saved and emailed to you), or any of the other secure and reliable backups available. You can also use a portable stick USB to keep track of Word and Office files, if need be.

Make sure your own security is up to date. Regardless of the security of WordPress, if your computer does not have adequate security your information and site are vulnerable. Make sure that you have a Firewall in place to prevent intruders. It can be intrusive to many legitimate sites and programs, but a good Firewall will let you customize your settings. Also, be sure that your antivirus program is up to date. It does not matter if you use a free program or an expensive, custom installed program, however, once it expires, it expires. Avast is a good, and highly recommended free program.

Be sure to use difficult passwords, and change them often. Easy passwords such as “password” or anything mentioned on your site should be avoided. Most people are not good at remembering passwords with a random mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols, but it is the best type of password to have to help limit a hacker’s ability to access your information. In addition, a good rule of thumb is not to use “admin” as your admin name on your blog. That just gives a hacker a step in the right direction in terms of hacking.

Do not use public Wifi when updating your site. While public WiFi can be a blessing to check your email at McDonald’s, it also strengthens your risk or being hacked. Public WiFi helps ease any barrier a hacker has to go through to access your information.

Be sure and monitor your WordPress access. By using a program such as Simple Login Log you can help keep track of when any of your admins are online. If something does not match up with their online times, you will know to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity on your site.

While WordPress is a great vessel for your site, it also has its risks. By following the above methods, you are helping to lessen your chances at being hacked.

Author Bio:

From time to time, you’ll find someone truly passionate about their work. And that is someone just like Blair Thomas. He’s an electronic payment entrepreneur expert, who loves everything finance, design and planning.  He is the co-founder of, the #1 high risk processing company, click here for help with a merchant account setup. If you would like to see what he’s up to, follow him and his eMerchantBroker on Google+

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