Smart Strategies That Will Quickly Make You Money Online Right Now
If you work online as a webmaster or an SEO, then you will no doubt be aware of just how fertile a market is available online and just how many different ways there are to make a living. This can come as great comfort for anyone who perhaps worries that their main source of online revenue (whatever that may be) could someday dry up, but it also means that there are plenty of ways you can quickly supplement your regular income right now should you want to put in the time.
To help demonstrate some of the fast and efficient ways you can increase your cash flow, read on and we’ll take a look at the best tricks for earning reliable money fast.
Constant Content
Constant Content is a website where you can sell your content as the name may suggest. What makes this site different from others like it though, is the fact that you can sell your content without having to first get commissioned for a job. Every web entrepreneur has probably got some content lying around their computer that isn’t getting used, so there’s really no reason not to put that on the site and hope that someone gets interested and makes a purchase. 500 word articles can sell for as much as $30 on here too, so it’s not to be sniffed at!
Buying and Selling
If you have a little cash that you would like to grow into… a lot of cash, then one of the best ways to accomplish this is to try buying and selling things that you find online. If you know how to spot a good bargain on eBay, and you know how to increase the potential value of items (by improving the packaging or giving them a funky name say), then you can make a fair amount of money by simply repackaging those items and sending them off to a new address.
Sell Something on Fiverr
Fiverr is a great place to make some cash. Here people will pay $5 for a range of products and there are ways you can sell for more than that too. Most of us have some kind of skill that we can perform for cash, and if you’re smart about the way you package this and deliver it you can find there’s good money to be made. Writing 500 articles for a fiver isn’t smart for example, but writing 50 word blurbs for app developers is a much better strategy. You can even sell things that you’ve already made such as eBooks and apps, particularly if you can present them in a unique and interesting way.
Affiliate PPC
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make large amounts of money online. Essentially this involves selling someone else’s product in exchange for a commission, and normally it involves a lengthy process of creating a blog or YouTube channel and then generating a large amount of followers.
A quicker method though is simply to create a landing page and then direct traffic there with a smart PPC advertising campaign. For instance, you could pay a little money in order to have a PPC advert on Facebook and then direct those who click on it to a page where they can buy an affiliate product. If you have a high conversion rate then you can earn hundreds of dollars a month without having to anything once it’s set up.
Create a Competition
If you already have a blog but need a quick injection of cash, then a great way to get it is to run a competition on your blog. If you offer a good enough prize then you can even charge for entry.
But better yet, how about this business model: instead of charging people to enter your competition you let them enter for free by writing articles and then compile all the best entries into a book that you publish through Lulu. People will love seeing their names in lights so will be guaranteed to make orders of the book (and probably multiple orders so that they can show friends and family) which can quickly earn you a lot of money!
Author Bio:
This article has been authored by Shruti Vaghe, a freelance blogger for PenTech Consulting, a leading SEO company in Connecticut. In her spare time, Rachael loves to paint and play with her dog.