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How to create a PowerPoint presentation using default themes in Google Docs

Posted In MS office, Online services - By Techtiplib on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 With No Comments »

This tutorial will demonstrate to you how to create a PowerPoint presentation with Google Drive (previously Google Docs). Presentations can be utilized for business, school, and so much more.

Click the Drive badge on the top tab. You will be transmitted to a log in page.

Drive badge

Log into your Google account. Apply your email and password.

Log into Google account

Create a presentation

From Google Drive, tick the Create button and choose Presentation.

Create a presentation on Drive

When you initially create a presentation, you will be requested to select a theme. Themes offer all your slides identical fonts and background. They offer your presentation additional pizzazz and a constant feel and look, (however you can supersede the fonts and background for a particular slide if you would like to). You can change the theme afterward if you have second thoughts.

Create a presentation 2

An untitled presentation will emerge in your browser — now you are set to edit!

Do not fail to remember to rename your presentation. Simply click the name (which is “Untitled presentation” at this instant).

Create a presentation 3

Edit and format your presentation

Make use of the edit toolbar to tailor your presentation.

Click the Insert list of options to see the extra features you can add (images, text boxes, shapes, videos, equations, arrows, callouts, and more):

Add a new slide

There are a number of ways to attach a slide to your presentation:

Click the button on the left navigation bar. Click the down-arrow to the right of this if you want to specify a new layout for the slide:

Add a new slide

The layout establishes the position of text boxes on your slide. You can at all times delete, move, or re-size the text boxes, however, or insert new ones.

If you do not make use of the down-arrow to give a new layout, the default layout is utilized.

  • Click Slide > New slide or Slide > Duplicate slide.  You can as well right-click on an accessible slide to spot these choices.
  • Click Insert > Import slides to attach slides from other PowerPoint presentations (.pptx or.ppt format, up to 10MB in size) or Google Docs presentations.

Arrange your slides

It is simple to re-arrange your slides. Choose a slide in the left window and tick the Slide menu for choices to move it down, up, or to the bottom or top of your presentation.

Or, you can drag-and-drop the slide to a novel position. Simply select a slide in the left pane, hold the mouse key down, and drag the slide to a novel place.

Change your presentation style

You can modify the theme for your slides whenever you like, or apply a different background for one or additional slides as an alternative.

  • To choose a new theme, select Slide > Change theme. This will modify the theme for all your slides.
  • To select a background color or image for the present slide (or all slides), select Slide > Background.

If you choose a novel background color, you can select from a palette of normal colors, custom colors, colors that go with or match with your present theme, or a clear background.

Change your presentation style

If you desire a background picture, you can upload one from your PC. Or, select a picture from your Picasa web albums, a stock shooting archive, or other pictures on the web.

Add speaker notes

Make use of speaker notes to monitor your talking points for every slide. In the presentation editor, they are shown in the text part under the present slide. Once you first attach a new slide, this part shows Click to add notes.

If you do not see the speaker notes, click the View menu and ensure Show speaker notes is checked.

After you present your slides, your speaker notes are shown in a separate pane. (This window as well has controls to improve or stop your slideshow.)

presentation done

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