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3 Social Music Networks To Discover & Share New Tunes

Posted In Music, Social network, Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Monday, March 24th, 2014 With No Comments »

Music has become a part of our life and culture:

It is a fact that each one of us likes music; it may be traditional or modern music like jazz, hip-hop music, rock music. Goes without saying that the list of styles of music is near infinity. Each one of us has the fascination for some kind of music or the other. In short, music has become a part and parcel of our life and culture. Thanks to the internet; music lovers can walk, talk, sleep and share music! And it’s been a while that many popular soundtracks are also being used as ringtones for mobile phones. Internet has given several platforms to music lovers such as to download ringtones of their choice onto their handheld. When you start browsing you would be awestruck to find a plethora of websites allowing you to download your choicest music. In fact, many of the popular albums are now available on the internet. Since the recent past, music has become one of the preferred niche in social networking. There are several social music networks offering the visitor an opportunity to enjoy various types of music at just a couple of clicks. Here is our take on the three most popular social Music networks, which has gone viral in the recent past!

‘Rank’em’ network:

One of the popular social music networks is Rank’em. As the very name indicates, this website offers an opportunity for the visitor to rank the music in order of their preference. As soon as the user logs in, he is navigated to a field where he will rank the music and the artist. Once the ranking is completed, the visitor will submit his ranking. The ranking made by the visitors naturally alter the overall ranking of the artist or the music. The visitor can share the ranking and the music of his favorite artist in the social media like Facebook, Twitter and so on. In this way, the visitor comes to know of several popular musicians and their music across hemispheres.

‘MeeMix’ network:

Another popular social music network is MeeMix. This is one of the few networks which in fact make a radio station that is personalized for the visitor. For this, the visitor will choose an artist or the music from among the innumerable playlist. Then he would click on the button ‘play’ and the music starts playing for him. He can even download the music onto his mobile phone, computer or laptop. The rating of the music is ranked by its popularity on a global level and the number of “plays” it generates. For instance, a user in Ukraine and another in France might like the music of the same artist thereby boosting his popularity on the charts. That way, MeeMix globally rates the popularity of music seamlessly!

MeeMix - the Social Music Networks

‘Pandora’ network:

Another interesting social music network is ‘Pandora’ and it has been there for a while now. Once the visitor logs in, he will be asked to choose an artist or the music. Once this data is furnished, the website will ask for the preference for similar music or albums. Of course, the visitor has the choice to accept or reject the suggestion. The website will remember the preference the visitor has made. After this process, the website virtually creates an internet radio station for the visitor. In fact, Pandora is also known as an efficient internet radio station.

Social music networks are a “heck-free” way to download, share and listen to music on the go. Many users prefer to download ringtones from these networks as most of the times it comes without the cost of a penny!

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