Award Winning Bestseller Fixes Another Innate Windows OS Defect
Actual Tools releases a new version of its bestselling utility Actual Multiple Monitors, featuring a long-awaited option to save idle screens on multi-monitor systems. By launching screensavers on individual monitors, it helps to “turn off” unused screen space and keep the desktop in order at the same time.
Windows 7 and 8 auto-detect the attaching and detaching of monitors via digital outputs (such as DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort). Designed for maximum simplicity and easy management of hardware, this feature works as intended unless a user wants to switch off one of the connected monitors for whatever reason. In this case, Windows reacts inadequately by wreaking havoc among desktop icons, windows and even remaining monitors. That is because the default behavior of the OS implies that when a display is turned off, the desktop should be rearranged, and there is no way to disable this unwanted behavior: Microsoft has embedded this rather deeply in the system internals.
Actual Multiple Monitors provides a simple solution for those users who do not want their composite desktops to be rearranged (or perhaps we should we say “ruined”) that way. The new Save Idle Screens function introduced in the latest version of the program allows a user to “turn off” any given monitor by running a screensaver on it, and unlike the standard screensaver operation, all other displays remain active and operative: the user can work with them as usual, and the screensaver on the idle monitor will not exit.
By running a screensaver on an inactive monitor, either with a hotkey or automatically after that display has not been used for a while (i.e., there was no mouse or program activity), a user can resolve a number of tasks that barely have a solution under vanilla Windows 7 or 8. For instance, gamers can turn off unused monitors to focus on the one with the game; turning a certain display off can be useful during public presentations or keeping private data unseen. Finally, the new option simply allows saving idle screens from burning out, which is especially important for plasma monitors or TVs.
Actual Multiple Monitors has introduced another thoughtful feature to fix another, albeit made with good intentions, innate defect of Windows, making everyday work of multiple monitor owners even more convenient.
Pricing and availability
Actual Multiple Monitors supports Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8, both x86 and x64 editions. The price for a single license is $24.95 with volume discounts available.
Actual Tools develops a number of award-winning solutions for desktop and window management. Tools provided by the company are indeed “actual”: they bring convenient quick-access functions to the standard Windows interface while remaining fast and user and resource friendly.
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