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5 Exciting Features of Windows 8.1 Update 1

Posted In Windows - By Techtiplib on Thursday, April 3rd, 2014 With No Comments »

After months of leaks, Microsoft has officially introduced the Windows Update 1 and it will download it from April 8, 2014. Windows 8.1 Update 1 focus on improving the user experience with computer mouse and keyboard rather more traditional in terms of new touch points.

Windows users will get an update over-the-air (wireless updates). There are 5 features of the update of Windows 8.1 that you you can will appreciate.

in this Windows 8.1 update 1 you can see it in the Modern UI, as long as you move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen

1. Power button on the Start screen

You get difficulties when to shut down your computer with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, because the power button is hidden inside the Charms menu. But, the Windows 8.1 update is complemented a Power button always appears at the top right corner of the Start screen, help user to easily turn off the computer.

2. Taskbar displays the Windows Store apps

The Windows 8.1 update displays all open programs on radio taskbar, this feature helps you to quickly switch between Microsoft Word to the People app in Mordern mode.

3. Taskbar in Modern UI

If you want to take advantage of the ability to display all applications of the new taskbar, you can do so from anywhere in the user interface. Previously, the taskbar appears only in desktop mode, in this update you can see it in the Modern UI, as long as you move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen. However, Microsoft does not provide the option of taskbar always shows.

4. The Windows Store has more apps title bar

In this update, all Windows Store apps have title bar, with “Close” buttons  for close or minimize the application with a single click.

5. The multimedia files will be opened by default in desktop mode

With feature when click on an image file on your laptop or desktop, it will open in Photo viewer as mode desktop, while multimedia files will open in Windows Media Player and divided into windows.

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