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What Business Managers Need to Know About Managed Cloud Services

Posted In Business, Online services, Online Storage - By Techtiplib on Friday, April 4th, 2014 With No Comments »

The concept of outsourcing is applicable to computing resources aside from the mobile workforce that we know. Computing solutions include outsourcing cloud servers and cloud services or acquiring a managed cloud. It is where cost efficiency meets scalability and agility meets high-performing operating systems and computing solutions to match the growing demands of a business.

Today, many SMEs and startup companies are in need of IT talents and specialists but are restrained due to budgetary hurdles. For these kinds of organisations, cloud computing is feasible and attractive because it allows them to enjoy the services of a skilled IT workforce, which is already included in the package. Cloud service providers catering for this kind of businesses often incorporate cloud computing into their small business hosting offerings.

 Computing solutions include outsourcing cloud servers and cloud services or acquiring a managed cloud.Businesses are seeing the cloud’s potentials and benefits. A recent survey of 712 respondents, who are IT decision makers from Hong Kong, Singapore and India indicated that 54% of the companies have gained advantage from the cloud’s scalability, which allowed them to pay an on-demand service for the time used.

Instead of hiring a full-time IT workforce and buying expensive physical servers, new breeds of businesses are outsourcing resources through cloud services. Some brands acquire a managed cloud account whilst they focus on developing core products and prioritising customer service. Time is important; so they’d rather outsource the computing resources and let the skilled IT workforce do the job behind the scenes.

Whether you plan to acquire a managed cloud account or is currently managing your own infrastructure, below are the things you should know about the service.

  1. Plan, build and manage – You don’t have to worry about your system admin or manager working on the infrastructure because highly skilled IT workforce from the cloud vendor will plan, build and manage everything for you. Your job is to tell them what you need, the requirements, structure and legal compliances.
  2. On-call customer service – Whether it’s a chat, email or call, you can contact the outsourced IT workforce to assist you and handle unexpected issues. Let them look after your cloud since all of them are well trained and are able to provide 24/7 support, which is part of the included pay-as-you-go package.
  3. Complete cloud-based platform – Once you build in the cloud, you can choose the platforms you need or complete all of them, such as cloud servers, cloud databases, storage, load balancers and more. You will also receive analysis and recommendations from the cloud specialists managing and maintaining your infrastructure.
  4. More time for developing core products and services – Since there’s a team that will looks after your infrastructure, you will have more time to develop and build your brand by focusing on the deliverables of products and services. You can conceptualize your ideas and then the skilled IT workforce will execute and optimise the technical sides of your business for further growth and expansion.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for businesses that run in a cloud environment. The good thing about managed cloud is that you are free to mix and match according to the requirements of your business, especially when you are expecting large amount of data and web traffic exchange all year round. At the end of the day, you must coordinate with a cloud vendor whom you trust and strategize the structure. 

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