Controlling the youth on the Internet
Surveillance in the web is nowadays very delicate topic as far as the personal data security is concerned. After the attempts to implement the ACTA document and Edward Snowden performance during which a lot of personal data investigations of ordinary people examples were shown, people started to realize that the anonymity and privacy in the web does not exist at all. But should the Web be left completely without the control? To establish a suitable barrier that wouldn’t violate people’s right to privacy and on the other hand would protect them against undesired content and all threats coming from the Net is one the most difficult tasks in the internet security issue. There are plenty of software like parental controls for internet, firewalls, search engine filters and antivirus that can significantly raise the level of security.
Is Net invigilation, really needed?
Which aspects of controlling the Internet should be practiced and legal? For instance to track a person that is sexual harassing young people through the Iinternet, police has to have access to his computer, email account and private data that he stored on his device. It is obvious that for investigations like that and for instance tracking drug dealers, people suspected of pedophilia, terrorism or human trafficking, police and courts should have access to all possible data. The problem is how to find out if those people really do bad things and violate the law. To get this kind of knowledge special agencies are scanning and infiltrating the Web, during which very often getting into private data of ordinary people that have nothing to do with the crime.
What can we do?
What we as an adults can do to protect younger citizens? There are plenty of solutions that can be easily implemented and does not require very big costs. The most important is to build awareness among youth how they can effectively use the Web in daily life. To explain them that this is not only the place for entertaining, but also a platform that can develop a lot of practical skills, very useful in the future. If the kids are aware of all benefits of the Net, it’s the right time to show them what they should avoid. Examples of sexual harassment and young people that became victims of pedophilia can very brutal to the youngest but such examples would surely be remembered by them. After we transfer the knowledge, it is time to teach them some practical skills. Parents can show their kids how to safely surf on the Web, becoming role model in this case can bring a lot of benefits to both sides. Last thing that parents can do it just to prevent undesired behaviors of their kids in the web. It can be effectively done by installing already mentioned software. Parental controls on computer can easily block all disgraceful-content websites. Firewall is able to block all attempts to get access to you device by other people. Tasks of antivirus are rather obvious to everybody.
It you want to learn something more about the parental control and ways to protect the youngest, feel welcome to visit