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Streamlining your Android device

Posted In Android, Mobile - By Techtiplib on Monday, April 28th, 2014 With No Comments »

Clutter on your cell phone can be just as much of a nuisance as messes around your house, but the difference is that many people don’t know how to go about organizing their mobile device. Here are several ways that you can clean up your Android technology to make sure that it’s running as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Reclaim storage space

Your phone is full of data – from apps to music to photos – and if the device’s storage is running low, that can cause your phone to run less efficiently. Lifehacker recommends that users clean out their SD cards by deleting any music or videos that they no longer need, and use a program like SD Maid to clear out settings folders for apps that they have no use for. 

Increase speed

Streamlining your Android deviceIf it feels like your mobile phone is running a little slow lately, there are several settings that can be tweaked to give it a boost. A new home screen launcher can help your device run faster by lowering the number of home screens and getting rid of unnecessary widgets. If your Android device is rooted, try installing a custom ROM to increase speed even more. 

Download a mobile password manager

A quick way to streamline your mobile life is to equip your device with a mobile password manager. Chances are, you use your phone for banking, social media, gaming and much more, and all of those separate sets of login information can be difficult to remember and a hassle to type in. A password manager can also help ensure Android data security.

Set apps to update automatically

If you’ve downloaded a lot of apps, constantly updating them can be an unnecessary drain on your time. Instead, Time recommends that users set apps to update automatically. This setting can be found in the Google Play app under “settings.”

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