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How to extend the battery time of your smartphone?

Posted In Mobile - By Techtiplib on Sunday, May 4th, 2014 With No Comments »

Before the tips, stay tuned to this article that refers to the lithium-ion battery (Li-Ion) or lithium polymer (Li-Po), used in existing devices. The old nickel-cadmium (NiCd) is not addressed in this article.

Is the battery is addicted?

The Li-Ion or Li-Po has no “memory effect” and do not wear because the old batteries recharge as cadmium. Misuse of the battery may shorten its life. Check out the following tips.

Heat and smartphone in the pocket

Heat is not good for your phone; hold the smartphone away from excess heat. In your pocket, for example, the mobile gets very hot and this makes the battery drains quickly and that the battery drains quickly and also reduces battery life.

How to extend the battery time of your smartphoneCan I charge the smartphone with another charger?

It is not recommended that you use another charger to charge your smartphone or tablet. Each device supports a different voltage and amperage. Using another charger without proper knowledge can cause explosions and damage the battery life. To use another charger, make sure the original charger specifications are the same as the output (in volts), the voltage and amperage of the electricity grid.

Recommended reading: How To Get More Out Of Your Smartphone Battery

Keep charging the battery after charging is completed

This is a habit that is not good for the battery life, leave the smartphone or tablet plugged into the computer or to charge after the load has reached 100% is harmful to the battery. After reaching 100% load you must remove the phone from the power source (outlet or computer).

Do I have to wait for the off loading terminal?

If your phone uses Li-Ion or Li-Po (currently used in most smartphones) is not necessary to wait until the smartphone or tablet is off to start charging.

The unknown villain

You may think that the villain of the battery is the screen brightness or even the WiFi connection, but these are the known resources they consume more battery. What many people do not know is that when no signal operator (2G, 3G or 4G) battery is consumed.

It’s true! The stronger the signal, the better! Its battery “going into space” if there is no signal. This occurs because the smartphone or tablet has to work hard to get the signal. A good alternative when no signal is set to “airplane mode” that turns off 3G, Bluetooth and WiFi, saving the battery.

Many people use the smartphone as an alarm clock next to the bed. Check if the signal is low or absent where the device is located. Always leave your cell phone in places with high signal or you do not need to receive calls using the “Airplane Mode” until it is awakened.

Known tricks

With the advent of systems for mobile devices like iOS and Android became easier to disable the smartphone or tablet. Therefore, disable features you do not use often, that will surely increase the usage time of the battery.

Some of the features you can turn off to save battery life – Bluetooth, Wifi, GPS and extra widgets on the home screen.

Screen brightness

Suggestion known but worth comment. Reduce the screen brightness to save battery. The screen is one of the features that consume energy from your smartphone or tablet.

Recommended reading: 10 Ways Android Smartphones Can Have Better Battery Life

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