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OBackup can Automatically Backup your Android Device

Posted In Android, Backup - Recover, Mobile, Uncategorized - By Raja Kumar on Friday, May 9th, 2014 With No Comments »

Android is one of the best mobile OS with 100’s of handsets available for purchase. There are so many apps available for download on Play Store. Google is working very hard to improve it’s services with the help of new android releases. Android is the best option to choose over other OS because of availability of custom ROMS.

Custom Roms can be installed on any Android Device with unlocked bootloaders. They integrate additional function into a phone. If you want to run a custom ROM on your phone than you must backup all the data and apps of your current ROM. Its best idea to perform a Nandroid back or full backup of complete ROM.

OBackup is a freeware app which can help you do full backup of your ROM. And then the backup can be uploaded to a cloud storage. (Alternative app: SyncDroidApp Manager)

OBackup can Automatically Backup your Android Device 1

Backup can be uploaded to Google Drive, Dropbox and your custom FTP storage.

It creates 100% backup of Nandroid and backup is done when your device is on unlike CWM which needs your phone to be in recovery mode.

So no missing of calls or messages.

OBackup can Automatically Backup your Android Device 2

The backup process can be customized. You can select the partitions to backup and set maximum numbers of backup. Backup location can be selected.

OBackup is best app for taking backups on your phone. It only runs on rooted phones.

About - Raja Kumar comes from India and loves writing about technology, scientific things and tech.