Giveaway of NeoDownloader
NeoDownloader is a premium download manager that helps you to download almost anything (pictures, photos, wallpapers, videos, mp3s…) from any website.
With NeoDownloader you can download from one web page, download a single image gallery, download multiple galleries, download entire website, download from tgp site, and this fully automatic batch downloader will do the rest.
Features NeoDownloader:
- Easy to use even for beginners, no pop-ups or banners
- Downloads your choice of image, audio, video, and any other files
- Downloads URL ranges (fusker links like[1-16].jpg)
- Downloads list of URLs – you can specify any amount of URLs
- Downloads from almost any sites, including TGP and password protected sites
- Advanced filtering – allows you to download only those that you want and to avoid unwanted content
- Allows up to 20 simultaneous connections
- Includes built-in image viewer with slideshow capabilities and audio/video player
- Supports ZIP/RAR archives