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Integrate Cloud Computing in your Business Model

Posted In Business, Online services - By Techtiplib on Saturday, June 21st, 2014 With No Comments »

Cloud has become synonymous with many business entities that are using the virtual servers to save on cost and increase mobility. However, not just the large companies, even the small ones can now use the power of cloud computing by integrating them into their business model. Depending upon your budget and requirements, you can customise the service and pay only as much as you use! Here are some tips to go the cloud way!

icloud, tech tips, computing

Data storage

Do you remember securing your iCloud data on your PC and then modifying it from time to time? You have had your first brush with cloud computing. The document storage service offered by cloud computing allows you to store word, PDFs, spreadsheets and other formats on a virtual server that can be accessed and edited from anywhere. Generally companies allow 1GB of free space. However, more can be bought as per your business needs.

Scalable website host

Many companies are using the cloud hosting services rather than buying a physical server. By hosting your website on a cloud, you get the freedom to scale your bandwidth up or down as per your requirement. As you are not using the dedicated servers, you can save money by only paying for what you use.

Easy billing

The companies can also use the accounting systems as provided by the cloud which monitors the employee activity like the hours, invoices and expenses.  You are now able to effectively keep a track of the hours you put in at work and the payment history of your clients towards the commissioned tasks.

Effective Management of the Project

The project management becomes a lot easier if you have a team of workers that constantly need editing or feedback on the uploaded reports. The access to these files remotely will make the job of project management much quicker and efficient. If the nature of your work demands such activities then it is advisable to make a switch from internal management to that of virtual one. This is particularly useful when your employees travel a lot or you are working with the freelancers. The cloud hosted project management also allows for sending group messages and setting up of email reminders so that he work is completed within the stipulated time frame.

Web Analysis

Although you have access to the dashboard that allows you to monitor the activity on your official website, however, to get a much streamlined access you can consider using the cloud computing. The analytic options as provided by the cloud computing is much advanced and allows far greater access to the functions that are not accessible independently. There are many trackers which are free of cost but can add a lot of value to the overall data like the country of the visitor, conversion rate, referring link etc. You can also sign up for the paid service by paying a nominal monthly fee that allows real time reporting and keeps a much deeper track of the activities on your website.

Cloud computing can be integrated into your business seamlessly and offer great value by all the features that come along with it.

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