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How to delete web history and places on Google

Posted In Security, Browser - By Techtiplib on Monday, July 14th, 2014 With No Comments »

If you are concerned with what you have seen/found or places that you’ve visited on the Internet and do not want Google keep them, the following Google tip will help you to delete web history by few clicks!

delete web history

To delete web history, keyword search, video viewed on YouTube and places that you visit frequently, please click on the link below, then you will go to the new window where is the individual management page for Google user.

Link: com/settings/accounthistory

There are 4 main parts in this page:

  • Things you search for – Google Search History lets Google save your searches to deliver better suggestions, faster results, and other valuable Google product features.
  • Places you’ve been – Google Location History lets Google save your location to provide benefits like improved map searches and tailored commute information.
  • Your YouTube searches – Saves your searches on YouTube to help make future searches faster and your video recommendations better.
  • Things you’ve watched on YouTube – Makes your recently watched videos on YouTube easy to find and improves your YouTube browsing experience.

In each section there is a button on Pause/ Enable to stop/ turn-on tracking back but still keep the old history. If you want to delete, you click on the link Manage history, inside you will see that all of keywords that you typed on Google together with specific times and sites they have hit on. And in the Places you’ve been you will see where and time that you’ve been. You can check the any item or select all that you want to delete, then click Remove items to delete web history.

Watch video guide:

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