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How To Quick Settings Galaxy S5?

Posted In Android - By Techtiplib on Friday, July 18th, 2014 With No Comments »

Quick Settings is a new section that has added in Galaxy S5 by Samsung. Which allows users to access the options they use most frequently without having to scroll through several unnecessary ones. Continue reading to find out How To Quick Settings Galaxy S5?

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Step 1: Open the app drawer, the tap on “Settings” icon.

Settings Galaxy S5 - 1

Step 2: In the main window of the “Settings“, tap on menu button (at the top right of the window) and choose “Edit quick settings” at the list.

Settings Galaxy S5 edit

Step 3: In this edit mode, choose what’s you would like to display or not in the Quick Settings, once selected a new shortcut for your selection will be created and place at the top of Quick Settings list. You can add maximum to 12 items to the section. 

Settings Galaxy S5 save

Step 4: Tap “Save” to finish.

Tips: This guide applies for Galaxy S5 and any Samsung smartphones that are running the latest Touchwiz app.

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