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10 Most Exciting Features Of Windows 10

Posted In Windows - By Techtiplib on Sunday, October 5th, 2014 With No Comments »

Microsoft has simply declared the most recent version of Windows which is able to be known as Windows 10 and and now the preview version is available for download. This unleash can keep company with quite an heap of recent options and conjointly enhancements to existing ones furthermore.

Windows 10

Below are the 10 most exciting features of Windows 10:

1. New Start Menu – The new start menu combines the design aspects of Windows 7 with Windows 8. You have the traditional app listing along with the metro UI apps. You can resize these tiles on the start screen and also make them suit according to your needs. There’s a me tile on the Start Menu, pinned apps and options to shutdown and restart.

2. Multiple desktops – Windows 10 will come with multiple desktop feature which was otherwise available only using third party tools. You can switch between different desktops with multiple apps running in their own separate areas.

3. Snap Enhancements – The traditional Windows 7 Snap View works in Windows 10 with classic and universal apps. So you can snap both the apps together on Windows 10. There is also a new feature called “Snap Assist” at the side where you can grab apps from multiple desktops.

4. New Task View on taskbar – The new taskbar comes with “Task view” that is the new button and when you launch task view it shows all the apps that are currently open.

5. All apps run in a window – Apps from the Windows Store now open in the same format that desktop apps do and can be resized and moved around, and have title bars at the top allowing for maximize, minimize, and close with a click.

6. New File Explorer – The new file explorer now displays your recent files and frequently visited folders making for finding files you’ve worked on is easier. This makes it easier to handle files on Windows 10.

7. Touch Improvements – Microsoft has kept some parts of touch UI from Windows 8. On a touch screen device, task view is larger with buttons that are more touch friendly. The start screen is also designed differently on a touch device.

8. New Command Prompt – an improved Command prompt and you can now paste in directories into command prompt with Ctrl+V.

9. Universal search in Start menu – The start menu on Windows 7 did have the search functionality and is now back with Windows 10, you can search apps, files and also do web search from the start menu.

10. Enterprise ready – the enterprise ready features and it is going to be greatest enterprise platform ever on Windows. On this version, enterprise customers will be able to customize the store.

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