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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Google Fit For Android Has Released

Posted In Android - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 With No Comments »

Google has launched the Google Fit app for all Android devices and you can download free from the app store on Play Store. This is a health monitoring application, it will record only our activities such as the walk in the day, distance traveled, jogging, running car. To monitor your health, just install the application on the your devices and brought it close to your body, Google Fit will automatically record all that data without having to have an external device.

In addition, Google Fit also allows applications and health monitoring devices that can use the data it collected to cater for running, and is compatible with all Smartwatch meter run on Android Wear to share data with each other. The data can be viewed on the web at address:

Google Fit

Features of Google Fit:

  • Effortlessly track your activity: Just carry your phone and get access to your walking, running and cycling activity.
  • Reach your fitness goals: Set goals based on either duration or steps and see your progress throughout the day. Receive performance-based recommendations for activity goals.
  • A comprehensive view of your fitness: Connect third party devices and apps to Fit and we’ll show you all of your fitness data in one place.
  • Available everywhere: Compatible with all Android Wear devices.

Get Google Fit for your Android

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