Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

How Technology Could Help You – Things You Haven’t Thought About 

Posted In Online services - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 With No Comments »

Technology can help businesses, families and individuals more than most people ever thought possible, and apart from the obvious, there are many things that technology can help you with these days. You might think your computers, smartphones and tablets are already letting you have more fun than you realised they could, but they also have a lot of practical help to offer. Remember that you can browse with more privacy with the help of VPN systems – if you’re thinking of changing or getting one, read a good Switch VPN review which will be able to tell you more about this. Once you have your privacy, you can then use the internet for many different things. Here are just a few of the ways which technology can help you achieve things, and you may not have thought about most of them.

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Losing Weight

Of course, with losing weight, getting fit and staying healthy, you need to have a huge amount of willpower and support. Although the willpower has to come from your end, you can get a huge amount of support from using your devices. For example, there are apps such as MyFitnessPal available. There is also a website which you can use, and both website and app allow you to connect with other people who are in similar situations to you. You can also log all the foods and drinks that you consume throughout the day, and the barcode scanner makes it even easier to track your eating habits and meals. The app will calculate the different vitamins that you have eaten throughout the day, so you can see exactly what you need to eat more of and what you could cut down on. 

Learning Something New

You can learn almost anything online these days, and while it could be expensive to actually get qualifications in a subject, there are many ways you could learn a new skill, language or subject without paying a penny. Arguably, the best way to learn new things is by visiting YouTube and seeing what videos are available. This is particularly good for learning languages, since many native speakers will post videos series in order for people to learn their language. The same can also be said if you plan to learn a new instrument and you’d like someone to demonstrate something rather than looking at a book each time you need to know something new. Picking up new information is very easy with a tablet or computer, since there are hundreds of websites on a wide variety of different topics available to read. 

Brain Training

No matter what you’re doing in life, it’s a great idea to keep your brain active and alive. Young people and students tend to have very active brains anyway since they’re being used a lot; however, older people, especially those who end up in office jobs and jobs where there is a lot of monotony, tend to find that their brains don’t work as quickly anymore. Thankfully, there are ways in which technology can help you exercise your brain and keep your mind active. Sudoku and other great brain training games are available completely free of charge on the internet and you can download hundreds of puzzles to have a go at. There are even applications for your tablet or smartphone which are specifically designed to train your brain, such as Luminosity.The great thing about programs like this is that you can track your progress over several weeks and see just how much your brain is improving, so you’ll really feel like you’re achieving something with the help of technology. 

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