Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

7,000 License Keys Of CyberGhost VPN 5 For Techtiplib’s Readers

Posted In Freebies, Online services, Security - By Techtiplib on Friday, November 28th, 2014 With 3 Comments

This is the special giveaway for Techtiplib’s readers, in which CyberGhost S.R.L provides 7,000 serial codes for 3 months with full capacity for FREE!

As you know, CyberGhost VPN is a powerful VPN tool that allows you to surf the Web in the usual way, but hiding your real IP-address, as all traffic goes through the dedicated servers online service CyberGhost, located in Europe and the U.S. It also helps you fake IP address to join the special giveaway programs which apply for limited areas (Recommended:Get CyberGhost Premium with 30% off).

Cyberghost VPN

Features of VPN CyberGhost VPN 5:

  • Anonymous web surfing – simulates your IP address and geographic location so that it appears as though you were connected from a different place.
  • Data encryption – all of your data, a lot of which could be strictly private, is protected from the consequences of possible interception due to the fact that it’s streaming through a tunnel where it’s all reliably encrypted with AES-256 algorithm
  • Accessing location-restricted websites – allows you to visit any local website which is an absolutely realistic prospect. You also can visit NBC, Hulu, Netflix, etc when traveling.
  • Using Torrents safely – downloading or uploading content using BitTorrent or similar services with Internet connection is encrypted, and the IP is simulated.
  • Server choice for free users – pay nothing for using a list of servers that you can select from.
  • Anti-fingerprinting – accommodates a capability where your browser details get modified, which considerably supplements the overall anonymity side of your online activities.

Operating System:

  • MS Windows (XP / Vista / 7 /8)
  • Linux
  • Apple Mac OS X
  • Apple iOS
  • Android

Home page:

How to get free license key of CyberGhost VPN?

Step 1: Access the Giveaway page here. Recommended: Get CyberGhost Premium with 30% off.

CyberGhost VPN 5 1

Step 2: Enter your email, captcha code then click “Get your FREE key now” button

CyberGhost VPN 5 2

Step 3: Check your email to confirm by click the link “CONFIRM YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS AND GET YOUR CYBERGHOST ACTIVATION CODE“. Then get your key!

CyberGhost VPN 5 3

Note: The keys can be activated only until 31.12.2014!


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Displaying 3 Comments
Have Your Say

  1. Schorsch says:

    Great! Thank you techtiplib and Cyberghost!

  2. Milan Toplica says:

    TNX dude