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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Download Free 100 Albums Microsoft For Windows Phone

Posted In Music, Windows - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 With No Comments »

This article guides you how to download free 100 albums from Microsoft for Windows Phone for users do not come from US!

Microsoft is currently a free 100 albums of singers for subscribers Xbox Music in America. The albums came from singers, famous bands such as Lady Gaga, Eminem, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, OneRepublic … Just follow the instruction below to download this album for free before expiration day!

Albums Microsoft free

What’s you have to prepare:

  • A PC/ tablet running Windows 8.1 / RT 8.1
  • Music Deals app
  • Xbox Music app
  • Microsoft Account 

Step 1: Firstly, if you do not have the apps above, you have to download and install the Music Deals and  Xbox Music (both are free).

Cause of this giveaway only applies in the US so you need to set the computer to the United States by going to PC Settings (press Windows + Q and enter the PC Settings)/ Time and language/ Region and Language/ United States.

Tip: You can check again the setting by going: Control Panel/ Region/ Location/ United States in the Home location.

Albums Microsoft deal

Step 2: Open Music Deals app, it will display a list of albums on sale and free gifts. You choose the “Holiday Freebies 100 free album” as shown above.

Albums Microsoft free good girl gone bad

Step 3: Choose an album that, ex: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reload of Rihanna then press “Get it for free” button. 

Albums Microsoft free xbox music

Step 4: The Xbox Music app will automatically open in parallel. You will see a list of the songs, to download just click on “Get it free” link next to the album cover.

Albums Microsoft free confirm

If the application asks to login Microsoft Account, just enter your account details (user + password) then press the “Confirm” button to confirm the transaction (don’t worry, it is actually free).

After confirmation, the album will be downloaded to your computer so you can listen offline and it also will be added to the Xbox Music Pass account so you can listen online between Windows devices.

Note: The giveaway will end in around 19 days later!

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