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Infographic: The Future of Internal Communications

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Thursday, November 6th, 2014 With No Comments »

Internal communications (IC) radically improves, controls and measures the way employers communicate with employees and stakeholders, helping to drive positive employee behaviour and increase engagement with influencers. The future of this industry is very bright as organizations are increasingly recognising its importance.

This infographic highlights the trends within the industry, the most popular channels versus the most effective, the evolution of the industry and the constant need to measure and monitor developments in order to improve upon it. It includes quotes from some of the best know thought leaders in internal communications today along with in-depth statistics from the ‘Newsweaver Internal Communications: Emerging Trends and the Use of Technology Survey Report 2014’ among others.


A snapshot of the IC industry highlights that the average ratio of internal communicators to employees within an organisation, is 1 per 500 to 1000. 3 in every 4 internal communicators say their IC strategy is aligned with their business strategy. A quarter of all IC departments say they will increase their budgets in 2014 and the biggest issue facing them is leadership communications. IC professionals also believe that smarter employee engagement leads to stronger business results. 


Interestingly, the intranet is the most used channel in IC, but email is actually the most effective. The future of IC channels places the focus firmly on internal social networking tools and an intranet with 1 in 2 companies planning to invest in both of these equally. Not surprisingly, print newsletters are dying out and the most unused tool with more that 50% of companies not using them anymore.


The landscape of IC is continuously evolving and the trends towards ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) has risen out of a need for companies to be accessible at all times with the use of mobile applications and devices. Where once the ‘Out of Office’ email meant an employee was not contactable, now smartphones and tablets allow a constant flow of communication. Indeed, half of employers are predicted to require their employees to supply their own device for work purposes by 2017 according to the Gartner Bring Your Own Device: The Facts and the Future report. The biggest challenges in IC are acknowledged as the volume of communications, gaining employee buy-in and general employee engagement respectively.


This infographic also takes into account that an IC professional cannot successfully implement an IC strategy without including a benchmarking system for measuring the success of any campaign. The top 5 highest rating goals for IC teams are highlighted and not surprisingly 76% rate employee engagement as the number 1 goal. The future for IC teams revolves around finding new ways to measure the effectiveness of campaigns as more than 2 in 3 communicators are not satisfied with their current methods. This infographic highlights the top 10 ‘wish list’ for IC teams in terms of metrics that they would love to see in the future.

Internal Communication


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