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Infographic: Smartphone App Development – iOS vs Android

Posted In Android, iOS devices, Mobile App Development - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 With No Comments »

You might have been studying various articles related to iOS vs Android, but in this article you are about to get lots of surprising and latest facts and figures at the single place.

There are two major smartphone operating systems iOS and Android. IOS is then developed by Apple Inc. while Android belongs to Google, the internet giant. Apple devices come in high price range, whereas android devices are available at low prices too, which makes it popular in developing countries which have low per capita income.

If we look at the popularity of these two, Out of 227 countries, iOS are the leader in 38 countries including US, UK, and developed nations while android is the global leader in 135 countries with a 80.2 % market share till Jan, 2014.

iOS applications are published on Apple iTunes and android apps are published at Google Play Store. Both app stores have the same process of publishing app, but with different fees and time. ITunes charges publishing fee of $99 for a year and approves applications within 1-2 weeks while Play Store charges only $25 annual fee and take approval time of 6-9 hrs.

Till November 2014, there have been published more than 1.4 million android apps while more than 1.3 million iOS apps on iTunes.

There are lots more to know about android and iOS. You would know about eCommerce, mobile market, projected sales and revenue, developer’s point of view towards android and iOS, apps analysis and several other facts in the below infographic which you will find quite interesting.

Smartphone App Development

Author Bio:

Gaurav Sharma is a founder of & a Digital Marketing Manager at Nine Hertz and an Online Marketing-Tech Blogger. He has expertise in SEO, ASO, PPC and other parts of Online Marketing fields. He is an enthusiast and love to explore new stuffs. You can check him out on Facebook and Twitter or mail him personally.

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