Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

JoyDownload review

Posted In Online services, Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 With No Comments »

JoyDownload is a website that aggregates free and legal software to download for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSx, and Android. The website presents for its customers more than 10 000 of programs, applications, toolkits, databases, graphic and design tools, games, and other contents (the number of contents is constantly growing). The localizations of JoyDownload include English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Polish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, and Hebrew languages.

JoyDownload was created in 2002 and is headquartered in Kyiv, Ukraine, although the servers of the website are located in the USA. Similarly to other websites, JoyDownload does not modify the executables of software in any manner; therefore, the website offers original downloadable files as it is. There are presented links to developers or holders of free software, so the customers can follow those links and download the same files from the original websites. JoyDownload collects programs, which are licensed differently, although most software is absolutely free.

JoyDownload is divided into several areas. On the very top, the customers can use the Search to find the necessary application, and select which programs will be exposed for download depending on the operating system (Mac of Windows) they use. The categories of software are presented on the left, which will assist the user to swiftly discover specific software to download. In the middle, users can track the updates on the programs, and give the ratings to them. Additionally, JoyDowload offers own digests in the section Reviews, which includes comparison of the most popular programs, and How-To articles with explanation about using of some well-spread applications.

JoyDownload endeavors to anticipate the needs of its customers in order to withstand the hard competition. That is why the site provides the most up-to-date programs, new articles and new categories of software, and constantly widens its areas of interest. JoyDownload consists of a huge group of skilled philologists and technicians who are responsible for renovations and refurbishments of the website itself. As a matter of course, JoyDownload is considered free from spyware or other computer threats. (For example, the actual rating of the website can be checked here

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