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10 Best Chrome Extensions For WordPress Users

Posted In Browser, Wordpress apps - By Techtiplib on Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 With No Comments »

As you known, Google Chrome is now one of the best web browser available today! It owns the best way to protect virus and lets the web loading is very fast. Below is a collection of the best Chrome extensions for WordPress users to manage their WordPress blogs:

Chrome Extension For WordPress

PageXray is a Chrome extension for WordPress that will give you a one-click access to find-out the technologies used on the current page that you are visiting.

Google Docs to WordPress

This Google Drive app is designed make your publishing process as fast and efficient as possible. Simply open your document with Google Docs to WordPress and click “create post(s)”. Your new post is now on WordPress, styled to fit your WordPress theme. Your images have also been taken care of, each one labeled correctly and appearing exactly in the right place

The app also allows you to upload several posts at once, publish your posts automatically, change the size of large photos to fit your post, and create links to display these images in full size (for instance, in order to view screenshots in detail).

WP Write

This extension allows users to publish new posts directly from the Chrome.


ScribeFire is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to all of your blogs.

You can post to blogs from WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Windows Live Spaces, Xanga, LiveJournal, or any other blog that supports the MetaWeblog or MovableType APIs.

You can edit and update existing posts. You can schedule posts for the future (if your blog allows that). You can delete posts. You can save drafts. You can tag and categorize. You can upload images. You can edit visually, or you can use HTML or Markdown. You can post to multiple blogs at once.


This extension allows quick and easy access to your WordPress blog’s “Press This” interface from Chrome.

Comment Save

Comment Save keeps tracks of your comments/posts as you type. Allows you to quickly look up the last one you wrote and your history.

Related Content by Zemanta

Related Content by Zemanta is already helping over 300.000 users! It recommends images, links, articles and tags – while you write. It allows you to enrich your own content and link to other media with a single click. Extension Extension allows you instantly view your notifications, follow sites, and start new blog posts quickly and easily from your browser toolbar.

WordPress Site Manager

This extension will store your WordPress site information and allow quick and easy access to your sites main pages. This extension also provides more functionality to the WordPress theme editor by turning it into a CodeMirror editor.


PageXray will give you a one-click access to find-out the technologies used on the current page that you are visiting. It can also create a list of icons on the footer, you need to activate this on the options page.

WordPress Style Editor

With this extension, you can instantly save those CSS changes directly to your theme stylesheet, without editing any files, or using FTP programs.

Hoping these Chrome extension for WordPress will help you in blog managing.

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