Hacking The “Un-Hackable” Cyber Scandals in Big Tech
2014 was a year of high profile cloud breaches and were examples of very aggressive data driven strategic cyber-crime. These include the eBay hack in March, which affected 145 million eBay customers and the hacking of high profile Hollywood celebrities Apple iCloud accounts in September of the same year.
Overall trends in cyber security highlight that network security and privacy incidents have increased in both frequency and severity and that cyber-crime now impacts most industries and entities worldwide. Losses are no longer limited to retailers and incidents are not just limited to the USA anymore.
Cyber criminals have been increasingly capitalising on outdated java programs, exploiting what they perceive as weak links in computer systems and are using social media to specifically target their particular audience.
The infographic below created by Speechpath, identifies some of the biggest cyber security scandals in some of the world’s biggest technology organisations, within the past year.