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A Look into Future of Link Building – Few Trends to Watch Out

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Thursday, May 28th, 2015 With No Comments »

With technology evolving at the speed of light and Google’s frequent updates lashing the web-search criteria at regular intervals, SEO is not the same as it used to be a few years ago. Keeping at par with the latest Google updates and changes, the SEO practices keep on evolving with time. However, in this entire landscape of dynamism, one thing has remained constant, and that is importance of quality link building.

It is important to note that there are several aspects like crawl ability, indexation and site architecture that determines the popularity of a particular website, however, in order to attract significant audience to a particular website and create a widespread community outreach, nothing serves better than quality link acquisition. Increasing search visibility becomes easier if one stresses on quality link generation because links serve as directive signals that determines the importance of the site and content.

Considering the latest changes in the SEO techniques, it can be rightly said that links are still going to be the most effective way to promote a site and its content, however, there are few small transitions that one needs to watch out in order to reap the maximum benefits.

Link Building

Some of the major observations regarding the significance of links in the present context of Google’s latest updates can be underlined as:

  • Quality links are still a major consideration in Google’s Search algorithm

Even after the constant changes in Google’s quality criteria, links are still significantly powerful. Companies looking to create long term online visibility should necessarily focus on safe and effective link building strategies, in order to stay safeguarded from the penalties. With time, more and more SEO professionals around the world are increasingly looking for new ways that help in creating safe and powerful links. The focus is on acquiring quality links, no matter if the number of links is less.

  • Content marketing and link building is becoming fundamentally different

There was a preconceived notion that content marketing is actually link building, but this is nothing but utter misconception. Posting more contents in order to make a particular site more visible in the search results is an age old technique which has numerous flaws in it. Owing to the latest changes, one should not approach content marketing from the perspective of link building. During content creation, one should primarily focus on offering value through distinctive brand messages that engages the target audience. Link building, on the other hand needs to be strategic and effective at the same time.

  • Quality link acquisition has the capacity to boost the content marketing strategies

Although link generation and content marketing is becoming visibly different, both these aspects on a collaborative form can help in making a huge difference. However, this does not necessarily imply that in order to build quality links one has to necessarily focus on proper content marketing. One has to remember that creating informative and quality content does not end the job, the thing that matters the most is to market it properly. Proper SEO techniques can help in increasing the visibility of a particular content, especially if the assigned team has the relevant link building skills.

  • Without having quality contents, link building is possible

It is important to note that there are several sites that actually do not require content marketing agendas, mostly because of the target audience, resources or type of product and services offered. However, there are several other ways in which one creates quality links without stressing on content marketing. The methods include:-

  1. Broken Link Building
  2. Local Links
  3. Reviews and Community Engagement
  4. Contests

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is a renowned author and social media enthusiasm. These are some of the prominent trends of link building that are slowly transforming the entire landscape of online promotion and visibility. For contemporary link building services, one can consider opting for renowned internet marketing organizations like TS Web Technologies Pvt Ltd that focus on creating quality links that necessarily comply with the latest Google updates.

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