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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

The Top 10 Apps For Farmers

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Monday, May 25th, 2015 With No Comments »

When we think of technology, often images of a futuristic urban landscape are conjured up. While technology is advancing, so too is the way in which more rudimentary systems are being performed, such as farming. Smart phones have revolutionised how farmers run their businesses, with apps doing anything from identifying weeds to monitoring flock and herd productivity.

On any farm, one of the most valuable assets is the very earth it is situated on, particularly for arable farmers. The iOS app ‘mysoil’ is invaluable and is able to identify the soil types on a farm, including descriptions of soil depth, texture, pH, soil temperature, organic matter content and dominant habitats.

The ‘MooMonitor’ is one of the most exciting advances in agricultural technology to emerge in the last few years. The equipment paired with an app allows a farmer 24/7 access to remotely monitor and identify cows in heat. Using heat detection collars data is automatically sent to the farmer’s iOS or Android phone. Three quarters of all heats happen overnight, meaning that the ‘MooMonitor’ can maximise a farmer’s herd production by alerting a farmer to previously missed opportunities.

While farming crops it is vital to be able to identify potential crop harming diseases. The ‘BASF Cereal Disease ID’ app can identify cereal diseases while in the field. Available on iOS, Android and Blackberry the app showcases symptoms of common and rare diseases and provides an outline of the disease cycle of the pathogen and an indication of the importance of the disease.

Monitoring field management is essential for any farmer, and the ‘Connected Farm Scout’ app simplifies the entire process. Available on Android and iOS the app allows a farmer to map areas, flags and field boundaries with the GPS system. The app also helps the farmer to log scouting attributes and geo-reference images of pests, weeds or diseases.

Discover these and many more farming apps that are transforming the agriculture business on this infographic from Clippers Ireland. The graphic lists The Top 10 Apps For Farmers useful for anyone in agriculture, while also showcasing just how vastly technology is changing the business of farming.

Apps For Farmers

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