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Wildlife Photography Tips To Make The Most Of Your Wildlife Camera

Posted In Technology devices - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 With No Comments »

Wildlife photography has seen a huge growth spurt in the last few years. More and more people are practicing this particular genre of photography either as serious hobbyists or as budding professionals. One important reason for this growing trend is the easy availability of wildlife cameras at attractive prices. The latest wildlife cameras come with several unique features that enable even amateurs and beginners to take amazing pictures of the wildlife.

If you are someone who has recently acquired a wildlife camera and is excited to get started with wildlife photography, read on to get some tips to make the most of your newly acquired, prized possession.

Wildlife Camera

Get familiar with your wildlife camera – This indeed is the first and the most important thing to do. Some of the best moments in wildlife photography last on an average between 5 and 20 seconds. If you do not know your camera, you may probably miss on these moments or you may not be able to capture them beautifully. Know the minimum shutter speed of your camera at which you can obtain a sharp image with your camera/lens combo. Learn to toggle between the focus points and focus modes. Know how to push your camera’s ISO setting and still achieve wonderful results. Find out the added margin that the in-camera of the in-lens stabilization promises.

The more you know about your camera the better results you can expect out of your wildlife photography.

Gather adequate information about your subject – Knowing your subject and its behavior can make the difference between getting ready and preparing to get ready to capture that golden moment. The best way to know your subject is by spending time with it. But you can also learn about them through books and through the Internet. Watch wildlife videos to get acquainted with the behavioral pattern of your target species.

Stick to the hours of golden light – Almost every experienced wildlife photographer would tell you this. Get up early in the morning and be there in the fields before sunlight and go out again in the afternoon to make the most of the last hours of sunlight. Photography is about painting with light. It is important you know how to use light in your best advantage.

Shoot wider, but closer – A lot of people try to get as close as possible to the animal and isolate it totally from its environment. Such wildlife photography often results in a captive subject put in a controlled environment. The cut off with the real environment often makes the wildlife photography look dull and lifeless. It is advisable to shoot at a wider angle to let the viewer know where you took the image and what your subject was doing in the wild. The photograph should give a sense of the environment and should let you make the most of the clouds, or sun available at the time of taking the photograph.

Keep the above points in mind and you would be able to take amazing wildlife photographs with your wildlife camera.

Author Bio:

Fred Valentine is an expert author and writer who pleased the world with his creative wildlife photographs with your wildlife camera. He also blogs for their Fans and followers and provide the solution of their query, with this blog he wants to share his knowledge . He welcomes any questions or comments you might have on his posts.

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