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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Essential Forestry Apps

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Monday, July 13th, 2015 With No Comments »

Today, the total amount of land covered by forests is just over 4 billion hectares. The importance of the forestry industry to economies throughout the world cannot be underestimated, with approximately 10 million people working in the sector worldwide. Through analysis of investment and profitability, we can continue to measure the economic sustainability of the sector. The maintenance and improvement of the functions offered by forests has been a priority for man for quite some time, and technology has, and continues to have a significant influence on this.

The strategic use of forests for timber yield can be dated as far back as the 14th century. Forests were divided into sections and mapped. Yielded trees in Germany were traded all over continental Europe, and were in particular high demand from the Dutch shipyards. The consumption of timber consistently increased throughout the 16th century as global trade began to prosper and housing demand rose dramatically.

Technology’s influence on the forestry industry began to become apparent in the 19th century through the use of railways to transport timber, and through the wider availability of steel for cutting. The invention of the first portable chainsaw in 1925 is a prime example of technology that changed forestry forever.

Technological advancements in hardware and software have influenced the way forests are managed in a number of ways. The evolution of biotechnology has allowed us to increase forest growth, facilitate pest management and introduce climate-adaptable species to our forests. It is also worth noting the impact that information technology may have on the forestry sector. As the use of the internet and paperless technologies such as email continue to increase, there is a growing risk of a fall in demand in the pulp sector. This is something that may become more apparent after a significant period of time.

In this infographic, we have focused on smartphone applications that are beneficial, or useful to foresters, or anyone with an interest in forestry. We have endeavoured to cover a wide range of apps such as: best for tree height, best for mapping and best for field guides. The infographic provides information on cost, compatibility and rating, as well as providing detailed information on the features of the app. All of the apps display incredible accuracy, which we feel is vital in an industry that demands attention to detail.

Forestry Apps


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