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Latest User Experience News

Posted In Business - By Techtiplib on Monday, July 6th, 2015 With No Comments »

User experience is definitely one of the most pernickety areas of the modern business, because you have to be prepared to please your potential customers, who, in most cases, do not know what they actually want. This area is a mixture of the classic business management, marketing, psychology and common sense. Also, this area is extremely changeable and unstable, which is a reason why you have to be at the source of the information and implement the latest trick into your business strategy. For most managers and people who are dealing with users, reading latest user experience news is a daily ritual, something like drinking coffee, reading emails or peeking in the tabloids during the work time.

User Experience

As we said, if you want to be successful in this job, you have to be updating your knowledge as often as possible. In that way, you will be at the main course of events, which will allow you to provide better service and improve the general user experience of your campaign.

For example, I have recently come across a very interesting user experience guidelines about the importance of keeping customers engaged to mobile application. O.k. we all know how engaging is important in the world of the mobile apps and online marketing, but this information really force me to think deeply about this issue.

Here is what it is all about. According to the latest study that was published by the Quettra, almost every mobile application loses more than 70 percent of the regular users within the first couple of days. This trend is even scarier from the long- term perspective. Majority of apps loses about 90% of their users after first month! And this is definitely something that you should know, even if you are not in the mobile application business.

Visual design

Visual design, also commonly known as graphic design, communication design, or visual communication, represents the aesthetics or look-and-feel of the front end of any user interface. Graphic treatment of interface elements is often perceived as the visual design. The purpose of visual design is to use visual elements like colors, images, and symbols to convey a message to its audience. Fundamentals of Gestalt psychology and visual perception give a cognitive perspective on how to create effective visual communication.

Information architecture

Information architecture is the art and science of structuring and organizing the information in products and services, supporting usability and fundability. More basic concepts that are attached with information architecture are described below.

Interaction design

There are many key factors to understanding interaction design and how it can enable a pleasurable end user experience. It is well recognized [clarification needed] that building great user experience requires interaction design to play a pivotal role in helping define what works best for the users. High demand for improved user experiences and strong focus on the end-users have made Interaction Designers critical in conceptualizing design that matches user expectations and standards of latest UI patterns and components. While working, Interaction Designers take several things in consideration.

This trend is universal, because it shows that we are not dealing only with attracting our customers (this is a matter of the marketing), but also with the challenges of keeping these customers engaged. Some people say that retaining people is far more important than acquiring new customers. And they are probably right. We live in the very turbulent world, where people have less and less time to be focused on just one thing. In addition, there is a factor of the stiff competition, where every single area of our lives is covered with a dozen of different products or service.  

Once again, if you want on be on the top in this business, you have to read user experience news as often as possible.

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is an renowned author and social media enthusiasm. He suggests the readers to reading latest user experience news as daily wise.

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