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Leading HVAC Trends in 2015

Posted In Industrial & Technology - By Techtiplib on Saturday, July 4th, 2015 With No Comments »

With advancements in technology come advancements in other areas of our homes, such as the HVAC systems. There are leading trends in the HVAC industry that will forever change how you heat and cool your home during the year. With these new trends coming into play, you’ll see a variety of benefits to your home and to your power bill each month.


Check out the latest trends in the HVAC industry and see if you’re ready to jump on the bandwagon with the advancements.

Surge in Central HVAC

While construction continues to be on the rise, the central HVAC installations continue to rise with it. There are so many new systems available that new construction is not the only installations taking place. People are having to replace their current systems and choosing the newer, more efficient HVAC products out there. You’ll notice higher SEER ratings as the products built are more efficient than ever. This saves you money on your power bills and keeps your energy footprint smaller than ever before.

Variable Speed

Traditionally the fan motor in your air handler ran at one speed during it’s use. This isn’t always the best thing for it to do. Adding in a new variable speed fan makes getting your air through your duct work more efficient. These makes the air handler have more air control and better control of how the air is getting to the places it is needed. These motors can help clean the air as it comes through your home which means less pollutants floating around. It also means a homeowner can zone where they need the air better to ensure your home stays comfortable and cool at all times. These variable speed motors can also help to control humidity throughout the home when paired with the right thermostat. That means you can also keep a higher temperature in your home running the system less if you keep humidity down.

WiFi Thermostat

Technology is changing the face of the HVAC industry as well. With advancements in controls and thermostats, heating and cooling your home is taking on a new look. One of these advancements is the WiFi thermostat. With this thermostat you can control your home’s comfort levels from anywhere. These thermostats can be programmed using your phone, computer or even your tablet from wherever you are. Want to set the temperature to a different setting before you get home from vacation? Use your smart phone or tablet on the way and your home will be ready when you arrive.

Technology is making your HVAC system more efficient as well. It helps to be able to control the system whenever you’re not home to make sure there’s no wasted energy. Whether you’re using programmable thermostats, smart thermostats or other methods of technology, these all help you to conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

Keeping updated on the latest trends in 2015 can assist you when it’s time to install a new unit or component to your HVAC system. You may find that you’re throwing money out the door with an outdated unit. Staying on top of updates and adding them when needed can help you to reduce the wasted money you’re spending on energy consumption. The latest trends and advancements are making it easier by the day to control your home comfort levels from anywhere and to reduce your carbon footprint.

Discover ways to keep your home comfortable without putting a drain on the environment. Research new thermostats, HVAC systems and advancements for yourself to see what you should add in the next year or two.

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