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How important is Responsive Website Design?

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Friday, September 25th, 2015 With No Comments »

As mobile phones have become an important part of our lives, and are definitely taking the world by storm, it has replaced internet surfing. However, it’s not only internet surfing. From shopping online to checking social media outlets, mobile devices offer everything today.

Since internet usage is increasing steadily on mobile devices, it becomes extremely necessary that you build a mobile-friendly website. As a matter of fact, this is definitely a major concern since many websites need to create two website versions – One for desktop users and another for mobile users.

Web Designing

But do you think it’s actually worth creating different website versions for different devices?

This will not only waste your efforts and time, but also requires you to invest a lot of money in building and managing both the websites.

However, technology never fails to astound us. Once again, the introduction of responsive web design has given hopes to many.

What is responsive website design?

A responsive design basically means a site that has been built so that the structure, images and content display appropriately regardless of the device we use to view the website on. As an instance, when you view a certain website on your desktop computer or laptop, you will get a full view of the website. However, when the same website is viewed from different device such as mobile phone, tablet, iPad or iPhone, it will fail to fit the content or structure of the website on the device screen.

A responsive website design enables a website to adapt and wrap to the size of the present screen which is being used to view the website. If someone is checking your site on a mobile device, it will display completely different than on a laptop or desktop computer. The website automatically adjusts itself according to the screen size of the device.

Still wondering why is responsive design so important?

Evolution of new devices

New devices are being launched every so often. After every 6 months a new device is being launched in the market, mobile devices being the most common of all. A recent survey has shown that more than 38% of Google searches originated from mobile devices. The number seems to be rising every day. As an increasing number of people are becoming dependent on mobile phones and tablets, it is impulsive for any website to overlook the importance of responsive website design. Responsive design is one such design that justifies “one size fits all” norm. Therefore, investing time and money in responsive design would be the wisest decision.

Better User Experience

Nearly 70% of web users tend to navigate away from your website if they have poor navigation experience on your website. It is the user experience that allows your users to stay interested in your website and consume information. Responsive design provides appropriate user experience to visitors regardless of the device and platform.

Responsive design is the future

A majority of websites has realized the importance of creating a website which is compatible with different devices. According to a study, it is predicted that every new website will be launched with responsive website design to reach a wider market and drive more traffic to the website irrespective of the device a user uses.

Benefits of responsive website design

  • Responsive website design works great across various devices available in the market. Consequently, driving more traffic to the website.
  • Google recommends responsive design. Responsive design not only improves search engine optimization of a website, but also makes it easy for Google to index your website. Google has recently announced that it will give preference to responsive designs over traditional website design.
  • Responsive web design improves users experience by displaying the appropriate content on the website regardless of the device.

Having a device-friendly website is no longer an option, it is necessary for your website to survive in the online business. Overlooking the importance of this design may leave in the middle of nowhere. Invest your time, efforts and money in the best place to get the maximum ROI.

Author Bio:

Elvin Roy is a blogger who loves to share everything about WordPress web development and new design technologies initiatives. She currently works as a senior writer for Wordsuccor. A Wordsuccor gives you Custom Plugin Development for WordPress. Follow her on Twitter: @WordSuccor.

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