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Avoid These 8 Poor Coding Practices In Your Software Development

Posted In Industrial & Technology, Mobile App Development - By Techtiplib on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 With No Comments »


Creating software requires time, skill, and hours of testing and bug tracking. Learning how to program alone is tough, and creating software for use in a dedicated business environment is an even harder accomplishment if you are looking to stay ahead of current trends. Whether you need someone to program your software, or if you are the coder yourself, there are several coding practices that would be wise for you to avoid. These poor coding practices can ruin your software development. 

Coding Practices

Image by Sybren A. Stüvel via Flickr

The problems

  1. Poor software design

As basic as this might sound, having an overly complex software design is a nightmare for both the coder and the end user. Simplicity is beautiful when it comes to programming. You should start with the core engine essentials of your program and build more advanced additions later. Remember that most software development is aimed for most mainstreamed business users who might not know the complex user interaction and functions.

  1. Lack of commenting

If you are working in a team, there’s nothing worse than trying to make sense of your partner’s complex code. You’ll want to know what new segments or modules are for, and what they relate to. Try to keep a habit of commenting any areas of code that might need particular attention, changes, or updates. It will make your work easier.

  1. Messy coding structure/indentation

Having huge chunks of code blocks without a clear structure is like reading a thick novel without paragraphs. With a consistent coding structure, it makes it easier for you to add newer parts to the code and not get lost in the logic. Indentation is also important because then you can clearly see the organization of the code. Most of the challenges of top software development in Sydney by were easily avoided by simply implementing neat coding structures.

  1. Unclear file and folder management

If you’re making a program with a lot of external resources such as images and audio, try to arrange the file types into separate folders. If you put all the resources in one folder, you’ll have trouble finding them. For example, Corporate Interactive sponsors sailors with disabilities with faceboat. If we put data regarding this blog post in the same folder where our software program resides, it’s just going to confuse everybody.

  1. Abnormal coding standards

Some coders are lazy and use a mix of different syntax in their code. For example, using a mix of conditional statements such as “if” and “case”. Not only might they cause logical issues to the coder, but it can also confuse others reading your code. Developing clean coding standards will help you work faster and be more organized.

  1. Peculiar element naming standards

This is an area that causes a lot of problems later if you don’t deal with it from the start. A team of programmers might have certain standards in naming the individual elements such as modules, functions, and numeric variables before they start to code. Keeping these standards will increase productivity and reduce the time needed to correct any naming issues in your code later on.

  1. Attempting to “hard code” your software

There are times when this is unavoidable, but primarily for security reasons it’s always best to not hard code your program. For example, if you had a certain security key hard coded in your software, anybody who has the ability to decompile your program will find it. This can be damaging if it gets in the wrong hands.

  1. Limited debugging/testing processes

When working under strict deadlines, it’s not uncommon for programmers to fully test the functionality of the software after the coding process is completed. It is strongly encouraged that the testing process is done routinely and especially if you have done the heavy modification to the source code such as adding new modules. This will save time in the long run. 

Final words

There are other factors that contribute to poor coding standards, but the above mentioned are some of the most common errors programmers make. By following good coding standards, your software development will be problem-free and a success.

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