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Top 10 laser technologies widely used in the science sector

Posted In Industrial & Technology - By Techtiplib on Monday, October 26th, 2015 With No Comments »

Lasers are already included into people’s daily lives. We see and use them as a tool for dental work, in supermarket scanners, in general and cosmetic surgery, and in the science sector. Lasers are currently changing the way scientists conduct research. That being said, here are 10 laser technologies widely used in this sector.

laser technologies

  1. Solid-state lasers

Solid-state lasers comprise lasing material; this is dispersed within a solid matrix, much like the ‘yag’ or ruby lasers. The infrared light is emitted by the neodymium-yag laser at 1.064 nm (nanometers), with a nanometer being 1×10-9 meters.

  1. Gas lasers

The most common gas lasers are HeNe(helium-neon) and helium. They feature a primary production of perceptible red light through the emission of energy within the CO2 laser in infrared. Gas lasers are commonly used to cut through hard materials, and are widely used in physics labs. The technology works with helium gas placed in the laser tube; this render pumping to obtain the required population inversion for the laser to act.

  1. Excimer laser

Excimer lasers make use of reactive gases, like fluorine and chlorine, combined with motionless gases like krypton, xenon, and argon. When these lasers are stimulated electrically, they produce a pseudo molecule called dimer. The dimer makes an ultraviolet light when lased.

  1. Dye lasers

Dye lasers make use of complex dyes that are 100% organic, much like rhodamine 6G in liquid forms as lasing media. These lasers are tunable over a wide range of wavelengths, and as opposite to gas lasers, dye lasers feature wavelengths that span over 100 nanometers, or even more.

  1. Semiconductor lasers

Semiconductor lasers are often known as diode lasers, and they’re electrically pumped. These are widespread lasers that used in various industries, and they’re included in barcode readers, laser printing machines, laser scanners, fiber optic communications, laser pointers, and more.

  1. Pulsed fiber laser

A fiber laser is a laser that pumps light-emitting diodes. The light that comes out of a laser diode renders a lot of energy; which is accumulated and evades from the fiber under the form of a laser beam. The laser beam is made of a variety of optical fibers and it is meant to achieve greater performance. Due to increased energy accumulation, the beam features increased production power. This type of laser technology is used in laser engraving, laser marking, laser drilling, and laser cutting.

  1. Continuous fiber laser

Continuous fiber laser technology renders excellent beam quality, thus being great for production line integration. It features increased stability and high power, and it is intended for continuous operations of up to 24 hours. Operation costs are low and the technology is highly reliable in the engineering, plastics, automotive, electronics and jewelry industries.

  1. CO2 laser

These lasers offer an efficient non contact way for marking and cutting various items made of fabric, plastic, laminate, wood, and even leather. As opposite to diode lasers, CO2 lasers feature longer wavelengths; this makes the beam instantly absorbed by the mentioned materials. Then the absorbed energy is transformed into heat. Because of radiation characteristics, CO2 lasers are ideal for macromolecular structure labeling. The beam is inefficient on solid materials, such as metal for instance.

  1. Green laser technology

Green lasers are very similar to diode lasers. They use short wavelengths to generate radiation and they feature excellent performance stability. Suitable for wider spectrum inscription, green lasers render excellent beam quality. They’re ideal for marking, engraving and drilling plates; and they also have an increased absorption coefficient.

  1. Torch wielding laser

Torch wielding laser technology is extremely efficient in editing and repairing damaged tools, such as forming, stamping and cutting machines. They weld extremely tough materials and have incredible speed and weld quality. Torch wielding lasers are used on various metals. Main industries that find the technology useful are the automotive, plastics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering sectors.

Laser technology is extremely common these days. Businesses of all kinds use it, as well as various industries and research labs. In the science sector, lasers are highly praised for their precision. Incredibly useful and efficient, the technology is here to stay; better yet, with every day that goes by it advances even further.

By Michael Clark and!

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