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Making that Skype Call Count with ChatLight

Posted In Social network - By Techtiplib on Friday, January 1st, 2016 With No Comments »

Being in a long-distance relationship can be a bummer at times. You can both be at the opposite sides of the world and have to deal with different time zones. It does not help that the distance makes it impossible for couples to at least spend some time together or hold each other close. Fortunately, technology has found a way to work around these obstacles. One such way is Skype.

The Wonders of Skype

Skype is more than just an online way to keep in touch with your loved ones. With features like video call and internet to mobile call, it is the perfect way to talk to someone no matter what part of the world they are in. If the other party also has Skype, you do not have to pay for long distance calls! With all features that Skype has, you would think that it is already a perfect way to see your loved one. That is, until ChatLight came along.

The Power of ChatLight

Skype Call 2Remember those chats with your loved where it is so dark you cannot distinctly see who you are talking to? Or when you had to conduct a teleconferencing and all the other participants could see is a dimly lit and grainy video? Well, that is now already a thing of the past. With ChatLight, lighting for Skype calls or any video conferencing, should not be a problem. All you have to do is clip it on to your tablet, laptop, PC, or mobile phone, and you are good to go. Priced at just $ 29.99, ChatLight can last up to 90 minutes on a single charge, and you do not even have to buy batteries. If you need to have it charged, you just have to look for a socket wall and charge your ChatLight unit for 15 minutes.

Operating ChatLight

Once you have clipped the ChatLight on your device or PC, you can easily control whether you want the light brighter or dimmer. There’s a switch on the right side of the unit that would allow you to do just that. What’s more, ChatLight allows you to swivel the light up or down in order to create the perfect lighting condition the next time you have a video chat with your loved one.

More Than What You Think

Skype Call 1While you might think that ChatLight is only for lighting for Skype calls with loved ones and taking gorgeous selfies, that is not the case. In fact, ChatLight has also proven to be quite effective when you need to read a book in the dark.

So the next time that you are in need of that perfect lighting for your conference call or for your chat with your loved one, get a hold of ChatLight. You can even up the ante by getting ChatLight in your favorite shade of Silver, White, or Black. Purchasing is quite easy – just click on the buy button an you are good to go. The site currently accepts PayPal payments.

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